We had such a busy morning yesterday doing farm chores,morning - TopicsExpress


We had such a busy morning yesterday doing farm chores,morning therapy sessions & then getting our school room ready for the new school year, we decided to have a rare afternoon off and go to Ikea for a few items that we have been wanting to get plus the kids love the cafe there! Well that was the plan anyway............. You gotta love a plan....... We were driving along in the beginnings of peak hour traffic on a busy road when all of a sudden all the traffic up ahead started to brake & swerve I thought at first a car was turning into an awkward driveway so pulled back a bit, but to our horror as we got closer there was a small flock of sheep & goats standing there! The poor loves were terrified and the situation very dangerous as cars were speeding past no one was stopping. So I stopped our car, myself & the kids jumped out & went straight to work. I have worked in rescue for many years so this is not an unusual situation and one I am well trained in you dont just randomly move animals if you dont know what you are doing. They were all very friendly, luckily, which made the job easier & in very good condition,it was obvious that they were someones well loved pets. There was a nearby gate opened on a property, which is where I thought they may have come from, so we herded the little group through the gate at which time the property owner came out and explained they were not hers, I asked as it was a busy road & dangerous to leave them out, was there a secure place I could put them until we found the owners & also a bucket of water as they were all hot,stressed & dehydrated. The owner was not overly keen but showed us to an area which would do with a little work to make it secure so after we went to the trouble of putting the them in the little paddock with a small stable in it & then made gates etc to keep it secure I was told the property was actually for sale & empty so no-one would be there to watch/water them!! Aaarrgghhh............ So we went to neighbours asking did anyone know who owned them or could they hold them until we found the owners but nobody knew nor wanted to help ( although one bright spark said they had a bbq-really dipstick!!). So there I was, it was now after 5pm traffic was even busier no one wanted to watch them so I did what any insane,hot,fed up woman does I said to my daughter :pick up the goat and we popped them all in the back of my car,turned on the air-con & radio to take them home with us ( I couldnt take them to Ikea,could I ?). They sat like angels all the way home. Now this is where my afternoon got even more bizarre ( yes in my world that is possible!) I stopped at our local shopping centre to pick up a few things for dinner when we saw a group of teenagers laughing & kicking out at something when I realised it was a small dog! They kicked out at her again & this time she managed to run away but straight into the turning traffic. We stopped the car ( remember I am insane) and my daughter took off after the dog ( ah just like her mother!) & I dealt with the teenagers ( enough said-lol). My daughter meanwhile caught the dog who turned out to be an elderly fox terrier with poor eyesight, so into the car she went too. Her face was hilarious when she discovered what was in the car with her. By now I just wanted to get home before a sad camel/lost cow/angry Emu turned up!! I rang my older son Jack from our local town to let him know we um didnt actually make it to Ikea & could he go to the stables & get a bucket of pellets & fill a water trough-not the first time he has heard this........ After a short actually quiet drive we all arrived safely home, we turned the goats/sheep out into our house paddock with water & feed & little Gemma had her dinner & slept in a basket in our bathroom. Today I went on various lost/found sites when I spotted a familiar little face & I contacted the page to say I had the little dog and whilst I was typing the response another post popped up saying a family had lost their sheep/goats, and they were missed by the children!! Haha what are the odds. I typed again that I also had the flock and I would call the family. Well a lovely family arrived & picked up Little Boy,Panda,Charlie & Billie, we waved them off sitting in the back of the family van with the children & this afternoon I will be delivering little Gemma back to her elderly owner . Hmmm I might go to Ikea tomorrow.......
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:22:40 +0000

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