We have a few who have entered to be chosen for a reading. I - TopicsExpress


We have a few who have entered to be chosen for a reading. I will pick Friday. I am a certified Realm Reader by Doreen Virtue, and this week I would like to practice some to get the hang of it. I would like to do a Realm Reading for 5 people, To be included for a opportunity, please comment below, like and share the page. Remember to keep seeing the page posts and offers to go to the top of the page and click follow or just interact with us on the posts. About Realm Reading Are you a lightworker? Or as Doreen Virtue says, an “Earth Angel”? Here are just a few of a number of tell-tale “signs” that you are in fact a lightworker/earth angel: Feel like you “don’t belong” or just feel somewhat different than the rest of humanity. Have been teased for being/feeling different than others. People having told you that there is something “different” or even “weird” about you. Told that your “problem” is that you’re just “too sensitive.” Highly sensitive in situations where other people are not; i.e. you walk in a room and can feel/sense the energy Don’t like to be around harsh energy, including avoiding negative events, watching the news, scary movies, etc. Avoid crowded shopping situations, and have difficulty with crowded freeways/highways. You prefer to have your space as an earth angel. Have the knowing that you’ve come here on Earth for a specific purpose. Perhaps you work in the healing/metaphysical field? That is just a short list … most lightworkers know that they are lightworkers. However, how many lightworkers know which REALM they have incarnated from? This is what Realm Readings offer – they shed light on WHO YOU ARE, where your spirit has come from, what your life purpose may be, relationship patterns, and more What IS a Realm Reading? All of us come from the very same source: the ultimate Creator of all that is. On the inside, we are all the same. We have the same light … and we are all connected in this respect. However, we don’t all necessarily “hang out” or come from the same places. This is what results in our divine differences: our appearance, our tastes, our beliefs, personalities, and so on. We essentially “gather” those along the way as we incarnate time and again. Between each physical incarnation we (our spirits) go to these different realms that we tend to call “home.” Realm readings aren’t for everyone – understandably as we all do have different belief systems. However, if you have an open mind, are spiritually-aware and are interested in spiritual growth/metaphysics, or perhaps you’ve read about the different realms in one of Doreen Virtue’s Earth Angel books. If you’ve answered yes to any of those things, then perhaps a realm reading is for you as you will be able to understand and accept the concepts introduced. What ARE The Different Realms? There are 4 “Core” Realms: Angels, Elementals, Starpeople, and Wise Ones. All of us come from at least one of those core realms. But there are also “Blended” Realms, which is a mix of the 4 core realms – which means that some people actually come from 2 or more different realms (so think in terms of nationality for example – half of you could be native american while the other half is Irish!): Mystic Angel, Knights, Aladdins, Merpeople, Atlanteans, Cherubs, Leprechauns, Mystic Star, Cosmic Angel and Mystic Angel Star. *As a note there are indeed also shape-shifters – people who frequently transition from one realm to another. So What Realm or Realms Did I Come From? As a lightworker do you wish to know what realm you are? Well, let’s get started! I was one of the first certified graduates of Doreen Virtue’s Realm Reader Course.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 11:30:38 +0000

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