We have a problem that is going to get blown all out of - TopicsExpress


We have a problem that is going to get blown all out of proportion, if I dont find a way to handle it diplomatically and soon. So I need your help please. Let me preface this rant by saying I have 4 friends here in the hood that are very responsible dog owners. Unfortunately they are the only ones that I am aware of. Here in Hooterville we have a disproportionate number of dogs in the hood. There are multiple people that have 2 or more dogs per household. Unfortunately there is one of those households right beside us. In a small semi about 1250 sq ft. they have one yappy Jack Russell Terrier, 1 pony sized Great Dane and a new Bull dog moved in when the MIL arrived. This coupled with a postage stamp sized back yard that 90% is taken up by a swimming pool, yes you heard that right a swimming pool, and all the rest of the yard is concrete. This is with 3 dogs and 4 fecking people. Every time a blade of grass shivers they all start a cacophony of @(*#@(@ barking and it just scares the :poop: out of me. BT has tried to snooze in the shade and this :poop: starts . The MIL has been outside all day with the dogs outside, when they start to bark she does nothing says nothing it is as if she is deaf, so we have started yelling shut up to the dogs. Nothing has been done to keep those @#(*$#@) dogs quiet. So I ask you friends here on FB, help me rectify this problem, before I go totally over the edge and let Old Becky out of her crate and go over there and hulk out on them....Please help keep me out of jail for what I may be forced to do....
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 17:26:02 +0000

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