We have an amazing opportunity that we need a lot of prayer about. - TopicsExpress


We have an amazing opportunity that we need a lot of prayer about. This has the potential to affect our life in such a HUGE positive way. Our family is being considered by a non profit organization for a rebuild. If we are chosen they would make our home accessible for Eli. He would be able to get his power wheelchair in and around our house. As it stands now that is something we wouldnt be able to do on our own. This would be such an amazing gift of mobility and independence for Eli. As well as an amazing gift for all of us, to be able to see him exploring his world. It would also take away one of the excuses that TennCare is using for their denial of Elis power chair. They are claiming that because our house isnt accessible he doesnt need a chair. Nevermind the fact that he goes to school & all over the town. But dont get me started on their ridiculous reasons for denial. This is a positive post, highlighting a potential blessing for our family. So we are praying Gods will and hoping it aligns with ours ;-) It would be a huge honor to be chosen for this non profit & it would bring an incredible amount of awareness to Spina Bifida. Most of all it would give Eli what every child deserves, independence and mobility. A chance to explore his surroundings and advance his cognitive/communication skills by leaps and bounds. Its something I want so badly for him & is a constant ache in my heart not being able to give it to him.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 22:00:38 +0000

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