We have been asked to share information on how to file a complaint - TopicsExpress


We have been asked to share information on how to file a complaint with the United Nations Committee currently scheduled to hear complaints on the Abuse of Children in Australia orphanages, foster care and adoptions. We ask if you have been a victim or survivor of child protection laws and abuses, please file an individual complaint to the High office of the United Nations. Currently, the Brown and Davis family has testified before the Committee on the police brutality in the USA in Geneva. Here is the link to the complaint for an individual or a group advocate authorized to testify as a third party. exerpt; Who can complain? Anyone can lodge a complaint with a Committee against a State: That is party to the treaty in question (through ratification or accession) providing for the rights which have allegedly been violated; That accepted the Committee’s competence to examine individual complaints, either through ratification or accession to an Optional Protocol (in the case of ICCPR, CEDAW, CRPD, ICESCR and CRC) or by making a declaration to that effect under a specific article of the Convention (in the case of CERD, CAT, CED and CMW). Complaints may also be brought by third parties on behalf of individuals, provided they have given their written consent (without requirement as to its specific form). In certain cases, a third party may bring a case without such consent, for example, where a person is in prison without access to the outside world or is a victim of an enforced disappearance. In such cases, the author of the complaint should state clearly why such consent cannot be provided. ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/TBPetitions/Pages/IndividualCommunications.aspx#proceduregenerale
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:37:06 +0000

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