We have been on the waiting list with realm of caring. were do we - TopicsExpress


We have been on the waiting list with realm of caring. were do we share our story.. my daughter needs to be on this trial. emma has Emanuel syndrome. She suffers from daily/nightly seizures. Emma has partial complex and absent and photo-sensitivity seizures. Emma also has many other medical conditions that could benefit her life quality. One picture is a good day/moment the other is after having an absent seizure and obstructive sleep apnea while at the library.. my daughter has Encopresis which is an extreme fear of going number two. It causes her to stem alot especially when her belly is full and needs to empty. Nightly my little girl seizes or stems herself to sleep into a horrible sweat. not only could this help seizure wise but her nerves, her sensory issues, her oral aversions etc. I dont like talking about her seizures as i often cry myself nightly to god, heal my child. Emma has slept with me ever since a child with her syndrome passed on from Sudep. please share my story in the appropriate places. I dont have internet or computer, am at the library as I just heard the news about trials on children with epilepsy.. help my daughter Emma from manchester tn
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 18:42:36 +0000

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