We have been ransomed through his Son’s blood, and we have - TopicsExpress


We have been ransomed through his Son’s blood, and we have forgiveness for our failures based on his overflowing grace, Ephesians 1:7 CEB Wow, talk about negotiating or not negotiating with terrorists, God did so much more. The price that was paid for each of us was not argued about, it wasnt negotiated back and forth to get the lowest price, god paid the price for each of us in full. That price that was paid though does not give us a license to live as we want. If you remember the movie Saving Private Ryan, as Captain Miller (Tom Hanks) lay dying he told Private Ryan (Matt Damon) to be a good man. In the end, we see the aged Ryan standing at the grave of the Captain and asking his wife if he had been good. The idea of being a good man (person seems to have even greater meaning and purpose in this letter written from Paul to the church in Ephesus. Paul is not telling them to live a life of goodness, but to go beyond and forego the desires of the earth as they are already building an inheritance in heaven. The first payment has been made, giving of the Holy Spirit. It is given so that we have the power to live as Jesus taught and not as those of the law continually tried to teach. In life, if we do our best to live into the life of Christ as true disciples of the one sent to show and teach us, the few mistakes we make are covered by Gods grace and mercy. When we fail to acknowledge Jesus as Lord, as teacher, as master, as ultimate, this is likely the times we turn back to the law. Jesus called this blasphemy. We have been set free from the law of sin and death and given a gift of abundant life. Sin would be a squandering of that life as we seek to oppress and marginalize others. Show mercy to those around you and in so doing the grace of God will flow out of you. Prayer: Gracious God, we acknowledge and give thanks for the ransom paid for our sins. Let us resist temptation and live into the abundant life promised as we help others to experience what this means through our sacrificial living. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 08:22:16 +0000

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