We have discussed in detail, raising controversies about the - TopicsExpress


We have discussed in detail, raising controversies about the relationship between the two communities, Hindus and Muslims, though they are living together and not being able have a common culture and aspirations and resulting in partition of the country. The question arose: why this happened. People differed in opinions. I think, V.S. Naipaul, the Nobel Laureate in literature has tried to give an answer. In his book, Beyond Belief, he mentioned this: Islam is in its origins an Arab religion. Everyone, not an Arab, who is a Muslim is a convert. Islam is not a matter of conscience or private belief. It makes imperial demands. A converts world view alters. His holy places are in Arab lands; his sacred langualge is Arabic. His idea of history alters. He rejects his own; he becomes whether he likes it or not, a part of Arab story. A convert has to turn away from everything that is his. The disturbance for societies is immense, and even after a thousand years can remain unresolved; the turning away has to be done again and again. People develop fantansies about who and what they are; and in the Islam of converted countries there is an element of neurosis and nihilism. These countires can be easily set on boil. I think, this explanation is quite cogent. Man is uprooted from his own culture, in fact, from his own soil, after conversion to Islam. The cultural gap as seen from above is created by conversion. That creates the problem. The Hindus remain indigenous population, while Muslims become aliens. I think conversion remains the all-important element in the process. Conversion to Christianity is no less alienating. Proselytization should be stopped.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 02:46:12 +0000

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