We have had FOUR people come to us during protests about - TopicsExpress


We have had FOUR people come to us during protests about Nottinghams own child abuse scandal that have told us that Ken Clarke took kids on weekend trips to London and that they would come back like zombies all drugged up is one quote , all tell a similar story one even said they stayed behind Pimlico Underground Station which is where Dolphin Square is located the venue put out as being involved in the Westminster Paedophile claims , Ken Clarke IS from Nottingham Ken Clarke did live in Dolphin Square add these coincidences to the coincidences of four individuals unconnected at different times and you have to ask yourself is it really a coincidence , I have as is my public duty reported this to the CORRUPT Nottinghamshire polices OPERATION DAYBREAK based on those facts but added those facts to my own case where my Child Rapist was a regional director of social services as identified by crime commissioner Paddy Tipping I believe as do others the top of the ladder probably goes way beyond the former head of both the city and county councils social services. Because there is ZERO trust on Notts police these facts were reported to OPERATION MIDLAND the Met Police investigation into the Westminster paedophile ring, We had told Notts police quite a while ago but according to an officer I spoke to from operation midland rhey were unaware of any info from Nottingham. We know that Notts police protect the interests of Nottms city and county councils thereby protecting paedophiles so why not add Clarke to that list of protected paedophiles , this is the speculation of myself and others , remember theres often no smoke without fire
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 06:55:03 +0000

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