We have had two very blessed days. Yesterday, as many of you have - TopicsExpress


We have had two very blessed days. Yesterday, as many of you have seen Maylin was given the opportunity to model for kidsii. We had a great time and our baby girl was very smiley and happy as usual. She may have had cancer and a liver transplant but she can still work it for the camera! We are hoping she gets put on an add or on the box.Then, we got to go spend time with family and see Mays cousin Erin before she goes off to college...Today, we had all of Mays appointments. For good news, she has gained 7oz. Her hearing test did show that she did have mild high pitch hearing loss which we knew about,but it did not get any worse(yay!). We will be scheduling an ent appointment soon to get clearance for hearing aids. As for her liver, everything is looking great. We will continue to go for weekly labs but we dont have another clinic appointment until next month.She will also be taken off some medications at her next clinic appointment so we are excited about that.For her oncology appointment, they tested her afp# which is how they detect cancer. It has gone back up from 27 to 45 which is not what we wanted to hear,but is not a cause for worry yet. They wont be concerned until the number goes over 100. They are thinking it is hopefully just fluctuating because of her new liver healing ( they said this has happened to many of their kids who have had transplants before). She will not have another appointment for another month. That is when they will recheck her again. As for her echo cardiogram, we dont have the results yet but we will update all of you as soon as we get them. These are some pictures from the shoot yesterday and her getting her echo done today.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 02:42:19 +0000

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