We have looked at two different revelations, the Judas revelation, - TopicsExpress


We have looked at two different revelations, the Judas revelation, and the revelation that Jesus is the Christ. The revelation Judas had will not hold you and the Peter revelation will not make you walk victorious in these last days. We need something that will help us walk victorious in the last days. People are scared. Do you know that? People are afraid. They do not know where their next dollar is going to come from. The children that are born now in this country are born with a forty-four thousand dollar debt on their heads from the moment they take their first breath. The government is telling you how much money you can make and even what you can spend it on. People are scared. We have to get to a place where we are on another level, above where they are. There is a higher level. Did you know when God comes on the scene things change? I am telling you that the elements change. Remember the water turned to wine when he spoke to it. John the Baptist said that he could raise children unto Abraham out of stones. One time I was in Bessemer with my sons Chris and Terry, we were driving down the Bessemer super Highway. We were coming up to an intersection and I did not notice the light had turned red. The last thing I remembered was there was a car coming from both directions very fast. And, the next instant we were 100 yards past the intersection. I remember asking them what just happened, and they were just as baffled as I was. When God comes on the scene, elements change. Somehow, God kept us from dying that day. Not one of us knew how we got thru that intersection alive without a scratch, but it was God! Time does not matter when God shows up. When Jesus walked on the water every time his foot went down the water turned to a solid mass and held him up. When Jairus told Jesus, my little daughter lieth at the point of death. Jesus followed him but he stopped when the woman with the issue of blood touched him. Then the ruler of the synagogue came and told him not to bother the master any longer his daughter was dead. Jesus turned and told him “be not afraid, only believe.” What was he saying? My friend, Jesus, when he was in this earth walked on another level. He showed us how to live on another level. His level is higher than we are. When he told Jairus to stop the fear he was telling him to put the fear out of your mind and stay up here on this level with me. As long as he stayed up on Jesus’ level, his daughter would be OK. It is when we keep going back down to where we are used to that gets us so messed up. Jesus came, showed us what it’s like on his level, and invited us to walk up there with him. With all the fear that is going through the world today they will begin to tell you well the money is no good anymore there is all kinds of trouble coming our way. Listen, I do not care how much goes wrong, that is not our source. When they start prophesying doom, we get on the word and get up there where Jesus was on another level then no matter what comes we are depending on God not on man. We know what the rock is; it is the knowledge that Jesus is the Christ. Jesus said on this rock I will build my church. However, what is the church made of? It’s made out of something that John discovered, that no one else did. Go to John 21:1. Here we find Jesus again showing himself to the disciples at the sea of Ti-be’-ri-as. In verse 2- there were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Did’y-mus, (Did’y-mus means twin so it means Thomas called the twin) and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zeb’e-dee, and two other of his disciples. Now in an effort to keep this kind of short read verses 1-14 and you will see they were fishing when Jesus reveled himself to them and asked if they had caught any fish. They had not so he told them again as he had when he first called them to be disciples were to find fish. John recognized him by his voice and told Peter it was the Lord. When they had caught enough fish that they could not bring in the nets, they came to the shore and Jesus asked them to dine with him. Jesus waited until after they had eaten and were full then he began a conversation with Peter. Verse 15-So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, yea Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. 16- He saith unto him again the second time, Simon son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him feed my sheep. 17- He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep. Why did Jesus feel the need to ask Peter three times, do you love me? If you look in verse 15, the word love that Jesus uses is Agape love, the God kind of love. When Peter answers the word love that he uses is Felao, it means that I approve of you as a close friend. So, Jesus asks him again, Peter do you agape me. And Peter answers him again Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I approve of you as a close friend. Then Jesus says Simon Peter Do you Felao me? The word says that when Jesus asked the third time it grieved Peter to the point of offence. He was offended that Jesus asked him three times if he loved him. What does all this mean? Jesus was telling Peter that just the revelation knowledge that Jesus is the Christ will not be enough to get you by in the end. He would have to learn to love with Agape love. The love revelation that John had. How would he learn this? By feeding Jesus’ lambs first, the little ones first, then his sheep, the older ones. Teach them about the Agape love. Help them to understand to love as Jesus loved. In verse 18, Jesus begins to talk to Peter about his future. He tells him that the way he would glorify God in death was that he would be a prisoner and die in prison. Then Jesus tells him to follow him, and Peter looked around in verse 20 and sees the disciple whom Jesus loved following them and asks Jesus, what shall this man do. Or how will this man glorify God in his death. Jesus answers him in a way that we today should listen to and make part of our churches. Jesus says, if I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me. We need to stop worrying about someone doing better than we do. We need to work on love; love is the key to prosperity. How do you know that? His name was John the beloved because he had a revelation of the love of God. Listen, John went to the cross when Peter was hiding and denying Jesus and Judas was hanging himself. John went and got Jesus’ mother and went to the cross. All the other disciples were all hiding from the Romans and the soldiers for three days and nights. But John was standing at the foot of the cross with soldiers everywhere. He’s not denying Jesus; he’s standing right there because “Perfect Love casts out Fear.” Listen it is not your love for God, we read it wrong, you think “I’ve got to perfect my love for God. NO!!!!!! Perfect the part that he loves you.” Once you get that part, there is no more fear after that. John was fearless as he stood at the cross when the earth got totally dark for three hours. John stayed to the end. Jesus looked at John and his mother from the cross and said, “Woman, behold your son, son behold your mother” what did he mean by that? It meant that he was turning over all his vast fortune to John to take care of his mother. All his earthly possessions. The love revelation had no fear. John lived to be older than any other disciple. They tried to kill him and could not. They boiled him in oil and when it cooled and they poured it out, he just slid out with the oil and walked away. They exiled him to the isle of Patmos, while there he wrote the book of revelation. When he left Patmos, he went on a two-year evangelical mission before he died. He lived to be over a hundred years old. Don’t you see nothing can overcome love, not Felao love, Agape love? The God kind of love, love without fear. Not your love for God, his love for you. Here is something ministers stumble over all the time. I have to study to show myself approved unto God. Study and spend time with God so he can approve me. That is not what this means, its study to show yourself that you are approved. Study until you get the revelation knowledge that God already approves of you. John tried every way he could to get us to understand, he opened everything he wrote with Beloved. He was telling us to reach for the revelation of his love for you. It will begin to develop in you to the point that when you get up in the morning the first thing you say is God loves me, he loves me!!! In addition, when you make a mistake, you will never have the thought that God is disappointed in me. You will say he finds no fault in me, Lord Jesus I repent of that sin, the father finds no fault in us. When you develop this, no matter what happens in the world you will be still standing. The revelation of love is the house that is built on the rock. The rock is the revelation that Jesus is the Christ, but the house that is built by each one of us is the revelation of love. The house of Agape. And no matter what, the winds cannot shake and the storms cannot tear down, no bad news can make you fear. Can you see Peter, he was 26 when he met Jesus and 29 when Christ was crucified, Peter was the oldest and he was up there in that room, hiding because he was afraid of the Romans. Then this kid, still wet behind the ears, standing at the cross. Can’t you see the soldiers ask, who is this woman? This is his mother. And they ask him who are you? I’m the disciple that he loved! What will love do? When they came to get Jesus in the garden, he would not let them have him until he was assured that they would leave these alone. Who? His disciples. Jesus said whom seek ye? They answered, Jesus of Nazareth. He answered I am, he. When he said it, four hundred soldiers fell backward to the ground just at the sound of his voice. When they had gotten up and dusted themselves off, he asked them again whom seek ye? They said Jesus of Nazareth Jesus said I have told you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way: that the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, of them that thou gavest me have I lost none. Don’t you see it was his love for us? When Jesus was dying on the cross in psalm 22, (you should read it if you have not) he said strong bulls of Ba’shan have compassed me round. They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion. All my bones are out of joint. They pierce my hands and my feet. My tongue cleaveth to my jaws. Demons are dragging my spirit out of my body. In the mitts of all this he says save my Darling from the power of the dog! It is his love for us! For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. He that believeth what? That he loved us! John said, there is therefore now no condemnation. Why would he say such a thing? Have you ever noticed that his book reads different from the others? If you want to know what the revelation of Agape love will produce for you? Read the first chapter of John. John 1:1- In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2- The same was in the beginning with God. 3- All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. 4- In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5- And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. No other disciple ever said anything like this. That closeness of Jesus’ love taught him how the earth was created and how God hungered to have a family. This is a kid writing this; it was a youth group that turned the world upside down for God. Listen, times are not going to get any better. I know that no one wants to hear that, but times are not going to get any better. I feel that the political prophets that are here now are the generation of vipers that are the parents and grandparents of the blasphemers in revelation chapter 16. And they are preparing the world for the Anti-Christ, but the Church is growing bright and preparing the world for the Christ. But listen, I said the world is not going to get any better, the Church is a different story. The church will begin to get brighter and brighter. Even though the world will hate you, the church will prosper. The world is already starting to Nash their teeth at Christians. Not long ago, our President said he did not like the apostle Paul. He thought he was too arrogant and he wrote too much of the New Testament. He made a speech and covered the statue of Jesus because there is only room enough for one messiah in his mind. What is all that? Well the Bible says that God declares the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that have not yet happened. The word Genesis means beginning. So if you read Genesis backwards you are reading Revelation forward. I know, how do you get that? When the end of the age comes, could be a few days, could be tonight there will be a catching away of the church. After that will be the time of tribulation, then a final battle and Armageddon. Then Jesus will return and put his foot on the head of the enemy and the last thing is that God is all in all again. If you start in Genesis chapter 7 you will see that Noah ended the age. God told him to bring all his family into the ark because the end of the age is upon him. (1) This is the ending of the age. If we keep backing up we should find the catching away. (2) in Genesis chapter 5 Enoch is translated. Backing up again we should find the tribulation. (3) in Genesis chapter 4 we find a brother with a mark killing the brother without the mark. Backing up still we should find Jesus with his foot on the enemy. (4) in Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 God says the seed of the woman will crush your head. Farther back we should find the millennium reign (5) In Genesis chapter 2 we find the earth in perfect condition in the Garden of Eden. Then, at the end, God will be all in all. (6) in Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God. If you read Genesis backward from chapter 7, you are reading revelation forward. Did you know that what happened on 9/11 is recorded in Revelation chapter 18. From Revelation chapter 18 to the marriage supper of the lamb is only seven verses. If that alarms you it should.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 12:25:00 +0000

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