We have no right to worship our God in any way that we choose,” - TopicsExpress


We have no right to worship our God in any way that we choose,” Staley said. “One of the biggest statements that people make is, ‘Well that’s not what Christmas means to me.’ That’s great, but you’re not the one being worshiped. We have to take into consideration, what does it matter to Him, and if He tells us in Deuteronomy and other places that He does not want to be worshiped in the ways that the pagans worshiped their gods, then that’s the end of the story. Either we are serving Him, or He is serving us.” “How do you think He feels when we celebrate His Son’s birthday on someone else’s birthday that’s His arch enemy? Why would I want to do that?” he asked. “I would never want to use anything that would remind my God of the terrible things that would happen in and around [this] festival. … Would you have satanic star in your home? Would you have a crest of the pope on your wall? You would never have a pagan symbol in your home. Why do you have this?” In the end, the men state that they are very compassionate with those who still celebrate because they realize that Christians are on different levels and some have never heard the information. “The churches are full of good people who just don’t know,” Rives said. “Their leaders have not told them.” However, “Once we know the truth about it,” he stated, “we’re responsible, and we don’t have any choice but to do what’s right.”
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 08:57:26 +0000

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