We have now become a part time nation. The second largest employer - TopicsExpress


We have now become a part time nation. The second largest employer in America is now Kelly temp services. Below I break down BLS may job numbers. You cannot argue the facts. The establishment survey reported a gain of 288,000 jobs in the May job reports revisions while the household survey sported a gain in employment of 407,000. In addition, May was revised up from +217,000 to + 224,000, and April revised up from +282,000 to +304,000.Most part time. Digging deeper into the details, strength was entirely part-time (and then some). Voluntary part-time employment rose by a whopping 840,000 and involuntary part-time employment rose by 275,000. Compared to a total gain of employment of 407,000, the gain in total part-time employment was 1,115,000. I confirmed with the BLS that one cannot directly subtract those numbers because of seasonal reporting. However, one can compare seasonally-adjusted full-time employment this month to seasonally-adjusted full-time employment last month. Doing so shows a decline in full-time employment of 523,000! How is that Hope and Change working for you.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 14:50:46 +0000

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