We have now reached a point where the naysayers and clingers have - TopicsExpress


We have now reached a point where the naysayers and clingers have created a meme of distrust... and phony end of days scenarios for professional photography. They spin it different ways: Oversaturated is one of the most used terms. What does that mean? Well in business that usually means more qualified practitioners than the base of consumers will handle. By inferring that the field is oversaturated, they are inferring that the nubes that just got a camera are indeed qualified practitioners... And that runs counter to their other argument that nubes dont know a shutter speed from a guide number. So which is it? I will state absolutely that if one is having trouble in this business one must look into the mirror and ask hard questions... really hard questions. Perhaps the town you live in is draining capital and has a negative growth cycle... yeah, not gonna work there. Tell me - would you open a pizza store there either? Then there is the unqualified and unrelenting attack on photographers who create other channels of income. Maybe a camera strap that helps hold the camera at a better attitude, or a lighting tool that works pretty well with a speedlight. This is now bad in the eyes of the doomers. In their insulated, sad little world, photographers should only be interested in making photographs and leave innovation in photography to... uh... well, they never really say. This is of course ridiculous as many, MANY products and innovations come from those who actually USE the products. But in a sad, desperate attempt to form some sort of bond with failure, they now see that as something bad. The third is the sweeping statements that workshop teachers are all shcisters. Bullshit... why would teaching someone the bulk of your wisdom gathered over the years be a negative thing? Universities teach. Should we lump all art teachers into that tired old stupid cant do paradigm? Of course not. Teaching someone how to make a better photograph is not teaching them to be an active competitor as it takes a hell of a lot more than a fancy digital camera and a cool new business card to be a competitor. At least it should... and there we have the big rub. It doesnt preclude the schlocks and shysters who are already making money from less than amazing work from being threatened by a mom and her new D810. My last word on this tripe. Gonna simply stop viewing shit from people who are more interested in covering their less than stellar asses at the expense of those who are working terribly hard to make something of themselves in photography. If you think photography stinks, get the hell out of it and stop trying to take everyone else with you.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 20:48:21 +0000

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