We have prevented any refugees entering Australia by boat They - TopicsExpress


We have prevented any refugees entering Australia by boat They must go through the correct imperial processes like the 911 bombers did or else these destitute people could become terrorist or even worse unscannable!!! (no barcode) There are many wonderful inventions and methods of renewable energy and means to reduce greenhouse gases and environmental degradation But the money that is now in control stamps out these magnificent innovations for fear of losing its control base of people who should be free One great initiative a Government that was for the people and concern for the future did was assist greatly in the supply of home insulation But then the money that rules the world possibly through the IPA (institute of public affairs) in this case, went on the war path against Kevin Rudd and Peter Garrett They tried to pin the deaths of 4 worker on these two men When this was such an enormous task put into action at the time However Tony Abbott does not expect the money that rules to put him out to roast in the same way for the countless deaths that will be neatly covered up from his F18 deployment that will definitely be running thousands of bombing raids over civilian areas blowing arms legs and childrens lives apart in collateral damage Yes; the IPA have cleverly deceived you into thinking there is little chance of anything going wrong by the broadcasting the 1st three bombing attempts being called off for precautionary measures. But how many raids have been called off since those first 3 That sounds like a typical IPA stunt to deceive you all. Yes; we by our ignorance will all be guilty of crimes against humanity the Money that rules will not condemn us for that merely convict us but a far greater authority will condemn us if we remain ignorant! but not me! I testify I dont ignore it when I hear the truth and dismiss the obvious possibility. The Lord is our only safe refuge and the prince of peace in our only atonement.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 23:33:15 +0000

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