We have principled and development candidates in Varanasi . Who - TopicsExpress


We have principled and development candidates in Varanasi . Who has even done a basic research on the issues of the local community ? Are Muslims just votes , and Kabir just a catch-phrase ? How will any party re-establish handlooms and the Benarasi sarees ? Do they know about designing, working capital, marketing issues , Chinese fake imports , weaver suicides ? The Big Picture politicians are all about hot-air . They have no detailed mapping of their constituents needs and aspirations . Who has the time ? And who works on connecting local needs to national policies ? Parties who have no patience to make economic-employment-innovation policies can not be expected to strategise for sectoral policies. And the modern development characters who so-called represent Indian traditions have no space for the informal professions since centuries. Have they even thought about Sustainable Tourism ? We have lost all and any hope from those who rule us to pay attention to details , as they are Mass-Leaders . They can make MNREGAs and Food Subsidies egged on by the Bechara-Brigade , but no one will think and plan on how to build capability and success . At its peak in 1998 Benaras silk weaving provided livelihood to about 700,000 people, but this reduced to about 250,000 people, about one-half working on handlooms and about one-half in various supportive activities by 2008 . In Varanasi there are about 35% Muslims, of about 70% are in the trade of weaving. ... weavers and their children in Varanasi continued to die either by committing suicide or succumbing to malnutrition. It claimed about 175 weavers have fallen prey to financial hardships since 2002. The report estimates that over 50 per cent of weavers children are malnourished. There is a high prevalence of tuberculosis, particularly multi-drug resistance tuberculosis (MDR-TB)
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 11:57:39 +0000

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