We have seen an increase in break ins to homes and outbuildings - TopicsExpress


We have seen an increase in break ins to homes and outbuildings over the last few weeks. Please remember these tips so you dont become a victim, especially over the holidays. And as always, if you see suspicious activity, please call the sheriffs office. HOLIDAY SAFETY FOR A SAFE AND HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON! If You’re Traveling... 1. Set an automatic timer for your lights. 2. Ask your neighbor to watch your home, shovel the walks, pick up newspapers, collect mail, and park in the driveway from time to time to make the house look lived in. 3. Be sure to keep any gifts that may be left in the house out of sight while youre gone. If Youre Out for the Evening... 1. Turn on lights and a radio or television so that it appears that someone is home. 2. Lock all doors and windows while youre out, even if just a few minutes. 3. Do not place packages or gifts near windows or in other high-visibility sites. If You’re Shopping... 1. Dont let your guard down just because you are rushing. 2. Stay alert and be aware of everything around you at all times. Report suspicious activity by calling 911. The police need your eyes and ears to assist them. 3. Park in well-lighted spaces and as close to the store as possible, lock your car doors, and hide packages in the trunk or under the seat. Be certain to hide items each time you return to the car. 4. Don’t carry large amounts of cash, pay with a check or credit card if possible. Tell the clerk to check your I.D. if they do not ask for it. Don’t discard your receipts until you get home. Thieves like to collect receipts and use them to return items that were stolen from store. 5. Carry your purse close to your body, not dangling by the straps. Put a wallet in an inside coat or front pants pocket. Don’t leave your purse in cart and walk away. **Fanny packs are great for shopping!! 6. If you take your children shopping, teach them to go to a police officer or a store security guard if they get separated or lost. If Youre at Home... 1. Turn on outside lights to deter burglars. 2. Report any suspicious behavior to the police or local community watch groups. 3. Make sure your homeowners (or renters) insurance is up-to-date and everything is inventoried properly. Operation I.D. is a great way to inventory your home. 4. Get to know your neighbors...join or start your own neighborhood watch today. For more information contact your local law enforcement agency If a Stranger comes to the Door... 1. Stay alert to suspicious-looking couriers delivering packages to you or your neighbors. 2. Many con artists take advantage of holiday generosity by going door-to-door. Ask for identification and get specifics to how and where the donations will be spent/used. 3. If you feel uncomfortable, just say no thank you and shut the door.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 15:38:01 +0000

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