We have spent the last 3 days riding 9 different horses at and - TopicsExpress


We have spent the last 3 days riding 9 different horses at and around Leighs farm, my farm, and today at Long C Trails in Westmoreland. Each day has been full of fun, laughter, and adventure, but today was the best!! This morning, we loaded up 2 of Leighs and 1 of Loris horses out for a day ride at Long C. The scenery was beautiful and the trails were great! Such a gorgeous day. We did, however, have a few minor issues. We almost got the truck and loaded trailer stuck in the mud. No biggie. Came close to taking out a mailbox, but we didnt!! We get all the way up there after driving for 1.5 hrs and realize we forgot some important documents for check in. Minor detail. We finally get tacked up and take off down the trails. The weather was absolutely perfect. We wind around on top of the ridges that look out over the valley, the river, the forest, and the meadows. We finally start making our descent down the steep, winding trails towards the river. All the trees were starting to bud, colorful birds were singing in the trees, and pretty little white flowers dotted the woods along the trails. We get down to the rivers edge and let the horses drink from the cold flowing water before we cross over to the other side. Ragan and I get across and hear a yelp coming from behind. We turn around just in time to see Leighs horse plop down in the water and see Leigh launching herself off the side face first, arms flying out in front, into the freezing cold water just as the horse is in mid roll, saddle, saddle bags, blanket, and all. I dont even remember jumping off the horse cause all I could think of was Leigh is face first in the water, the horse is about to roll over on her, and she cant swim. However, the water was maybe 2 feet deep in that spot and Leigh clearly launched herself way out away from the horse, but talk about adrenaline kicking in!!! Apparently, the horse just got hot. Scared us to death. Then, as Leigh is leading the horse out onto the bank, Ragans horse decided its time to roll in the dirt, with her on him. She just simply stepped off. Then, of all the crazy things, the horse I was riding decided to do the same thing, luckily I was already off him. I have never seen 3 horses try to lie down and roll with all the gear on them like that! Poor Leigh was freezing and dripping wet so we tied the horses up and sat down in a nearby grassy field to eat lunch and for her to dry off in the sun/wind. As we are eating, we scan the sites around us and see a cow carcass up on the hill. Ironically, the roast beef sandwiches werent as good as I had hoped after that site. Thankfully, the rest of the day went well. We had fun cantering up hills, jumping fallen trees, and just taking in the beauty and serenity of the wind, the sun, and the trees. It was a GREAT day!! Think we may want to bring extra clothes with us next time, just in case... ;)
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 03:52:43 +0000

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