We have this privilege of serving a gracious God who loves us so - TopicsExpress


We have this privilege of serving a gracious God who loves us so perfectly and unconditionally in the midst of our brokenness and imperfection. The way we pour out our love in return is through loving one another, but the difficulty lies in seeing Jesus in others when they do not act like him. It bothers me that we justify our ignorance of meeting people’s needs when we are able because we feel that they are undeserving. I don’t want to enable anyone, but I am called to love everyone. We have to rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance when we approach the situation of meeting needs. Our human perceptions and behaviors will not always be aligned with the opportunities he is orchestrating for us to bend low and serve as he served us, giving abundant life when we deserved nothing. When my focus is on eternity, I’m able to break away from the man made cycles of life that have become such a drain on society. God wants for you to receive just as many blessings on a Monday as he does every other day of the week. You are a beloved child of God, and your job is an avenue by which he is using you to love others. The simplicity that we are called to leaves substantial room in our souls to be filled with the peace that is beyond our understanding. Horrible things are going to happen in this world, but the Lord’s goodness will remain. We are diligent to make plans, which may or may not be in line with God’s purpose for us. Trust him when plans change, acknowledging that his way is higher. In the midst of your trials, reflect on the requests that you have brought to him in prayer. Sometimes He is answering your prayers as he is walking with you through a valley toward an oasis. This is one way God develops the fruits of his spirit in our lives.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 21:55:35 +0000

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