We have to Defend Our$elve$~1~ Dustin Jon - TopicsExpress


We have to Defend Our$elve$~1~ Dustin Jon Valentine #fredhampton #chairmanfred #georgejackson #jonathonjackson #1andthesame1 #patrickhenry #johnbrown #natturner #marcusgarvey #che1 #chi #ion #criticalmass #johnrambo Dustin Jon Valentine PAY ATTENTION~1~ IT aint over~1~ PAU$€ FOR {T}HE CAU$E~1~ stealing elections wont wor[k]; THE PEOPLE ARE READY to combat terrorism from extremist republicans & sellout medical personnel, administrators and any other lying, maniacal, professional or fa[k]e religious head that see[k]s to get in office and try to force a repeat of nazigermany. PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a PLAN OF ACTION~ ~IN MO{T}{ION}~ To protect you and yours if [they] steal another election. Theres no way to convince The Majority of The People to consciously or freely vote for candidates thrust upon them whose history in government proved their against the very ones who placed them in office. Dig....everybody, black, white, yellow, red, tan,olive, bronze,etc. needs the basics; and republican leaders show they, & their obstruction and illegitimate legislation cripples families from all walks of life. How many retirees have been duped or threatened into voting for a party that steals what they worked an honest lifetime to build?¿? What senior would vote to have more snyder/ republican tax increases, like the 10% raise on state tax he plans on implementing to further squeeze the remaining life/livelihood from them and both instill & perpetuate both real & imagined threats to their very lives?¿? What teacher would willingly vote to have their schools lose from state redistricting and outside planted trojan horse administrators and managers?¿? What Veteran in their Right Mind would vote for the republican right to continue to rob them and their families presently and in the immediate future?¿? Why would any parent or child support a party who views both as [their]pawns/[k]ids too?¿? Who even sacrifice their own and actually perpetuate legislation of deprivation and fear for the majority of Americans?¿?. Who use divide & conquer tactics, and staged war crimes & foreign terrorists attac[k]s to bilk more funds to play war games leaving soldiers wives & children to fend for themselves. They plan to have the males fighting a non existent war to procure lure funds and rape, pillage & quarantine block by block. Sounds insane, i [k]now, but so are republican/ nazi ideologies- legislation-tactics & policies.# [k]eepyourapologies #keepyourapologies #fightforthepeople
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 23:07:42 +0000

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