We have to do something MOTHERS about this terror in our sons! I - TopicsExpress


We have to do something MOTHERS about this terror in our sons! I was there today and I saw this baby laying in the pool of blood as it flowed from his body. He was STILL ALIVE we thank God! But will he live? Only God Knows! This Young Black Man was shot at point blank range by another YOUNG BLACK MAN! NOT A POLICE OFFICER!! So was the young black man in the Langfields and the YOUNG BLACK MALE on Shirley. They too were shot by YOUNG BLACK MEN!! Right now more than likely there is a MOTHER being comforted because she is HURTING for her son as he lay in that hospital. And right now more than likely there is a mother who maybe has no clue what her son has done! And once she has found out... who will be there to comfort her too? WE HAVE TO HELP HEAL THESE MOTHERS, WE HAVE TO HEAL OUR SONS AND WE HAVE TO HEAL ONE ANOTHER! This cannot continue to happen! Buffalo is called the QUEEN City! We QUEENS have to RAISE UP A STANDARD for our posterity!! Someone asked me if the ground could speak even one word what would it say? I had no clue and he said if the ground could open its mouth to speak... it would cough up blood. I took my daughter this evening to the place where the young man not much older than she had fallen. I showed her the bloodstain on the newly paved concrete ground that could not be washed away. I said just like we may get a blood stain in our clothing that has set, we can wash to blood off but the stain will remain. We dont know the circumstance around why this young man was shot. But we talked about the importance of making right choices and being in the right places at the right times. We talked about the importance of being with friends who mean you some good and having a clear plan for your life. Sometimes we have to talk with our children and then talk with each other. We have to listen to our children to hear what they are saying sometimes even when its NOT with words. We have to share with one another what we do to help our babies make it through day to day and what they do to keep us motivated to make it through day to day. She had no question marks in her mind today that I love her and that I want what is best for her and I had no question marks that she love me and trust that I will help her to be the best she can be. Queen, as I type this post and talk to YOU who is reading this right NOW I want you to know I love you and your children and I know you love me and mines. We are in this together. We are unified together in love for our children. We have to be proactive for our children today. We have to work on some things. Lets meet and put a plan in action for our SONS? Inbox with your ideas on what we must do!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 05:15:57 +0000

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