We have translated the following news article from Sun Daily to - TopicsExpress


We have translated the following news article from Sun Daily to English to share with you some updated news about Greedy Tsang and hope you like it. orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20130703/00176_088.html ============= Political Affairs: Greedy Tsang is hiding in Canada like seeking for asylum -------------------------- The US CIA "whistleblower" Edward Snowdon earlier revealed the US’s global electronic surveillance program is now seeking for asylum from many countries. The case has not yet ended. Hong Kong takes place an unusual case of a big greedy senior official departing Hong Kong. It is talking about “Greedy Tsang”, the former Chief Executive Sir Donald Tsang Yam-kuen who is involved in a corruption scandal. As he suddenly disappeared and didn’t attend the annual flag-raising ceremony and cocktail party since Hong Kong’s handover to our motherland, he invited lots of criticisms from different parties. Some politicians later even revealed that Greedy Tsang in fact went to Canada for visiting his youngest brother. This trip of Greedy Tsang was in a very sneaking way. Those who didn’t know about the truth might think that because of his own individual corruption, he needed to seek asylum in Canada. This newspaper in February last year ran an exclusive to expose Greedy Tsang in his last term "corrupting everywhere including sea, land and air, enjoying everywhere including China, Hong Kong and Macau." A few political parties early or later went to report the Greedy Tsang’s corruption scandal to ICAC. But so far time has been lapsed nearly one and half a years, ICAC has still not yet given an account of the latest progress in relation to the corruption case of Greedy Tsang. No one knows whether there is anyone who has ever followed the case. In short, the investigation progress is slower than a turtle walking. Though ICAC is slacking the movement of its hands and feet in handling the Greedy Tsang’s corruption case, Greedy Tsang himself knew his own shame, apart from daring not to return to the former Chief Executive Office to enjoy Maotai wines, reportedly he was even scared to attend the July 1st flag-raising ceremony and cocktail party, and just said that he would enjoy himself outbound and then disappeared. Greedy Tsang really disgraced. Recently he went to a cocktail party but no one said hello to him What important things did make Greedy Tsang become so nervous even not attending the July 1st flag raising ceremony? We look for the answer everywhere from politicians and have learned that Greedy Tsang had told other people before July 1st that he would go to Canada to visit his youngest brother. Some people guessed that Greedy Tsang wanted to create an evidence to prove that he didn’t appear in the occasion because of certain reasons as recently he had attended two cocktail parties including a leftist newspaper engaging in investment activities for mainland provinces and cities, there were some people in the cocktail party revealed that Greedy Tsang felt very boring in the cocktail party and few people would say hello to him during the cocktail party. When some people saw him, they would shy away from him as possible as they could. Greedy Tsang just liked a rat crossing the streets in the cocktail party. To avoid embarrassment, he was better to avoid attending the July 1st flag-raising ceremony. His sudden departure of Hong Kong was scoffed of avoiding being "putting into the pan." However, Greedy Tsang yesterday suddenly gave a late explanation. He asked the former senior private assistance for the Chief Executive to reply media’s questions that Greedy Tsang departed Hong Kong in late June and now he is still staying in another place. Before he left Hong Kong, he had informed the Home Affairs Department and thanked the invitation, as well as expressed his deepest apology because he was unable to attend the flag-raising ceremony and cocktail party. So being the case, it was better for him to give his explanation earlier. Why did he need to make his move so mysterious and sneaky? No wonder some politicians joked that was Greedy Tsang afraid of being “putting into the pan” because of his own individual corruption scandal so he suddenly departed Hong Kong to seek asylum in Canada?
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 18:24:56 +0000

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