We have worked so hard on pointing with one finger, and hes got - TopicsExpress


We have worked so hard on pointing with one finger, and hes got it!! Beckem absolutely loves these books with real photographs and will look at them for the longest time. He gets so excited about pointing that he points at everything and was even trying to turn the pages with one finger when we first started looking at the book! Next week our hyper-focus will be back to waving bye-bye. He has waved a couple of times but certainly not consistently. Ive been watching every tutorial and reading everything written by speech language pathologist, Laura Mize. I emailed her last week and she was kind enough to respond, in depth, with suggestions for me to use to help Beckem communicate. I didnt realize that until hes gesturing, hes not ready to produce words. Theres so much Ive taken for granted with my boys who acquired skills without a struggle. This is a lot of work! Of course, Beckem doesnt realize its work because its all play-focused. But, every waking moment, I spend engaging him in meaningful activities to help him communicate and to walk. So if you come by for a visit and notice my house is a disaster and laundry is piled on the sofa (at least its clean!) youll know that Im doing more important work that cant wait!!! One thing that has given me about 45 minutes a day of my time back is that we finally have Beckems mitochondrial cocktail compounded!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!! Now Im not having to crush, mix, flavor and beg Beckem to take it!!! Jana from medicine shoppe is the greatest!!! I wouldnt say he loves it, but at least I can get him to take it. Insurance pays for the carnitine so he still takes it separately, but wont pay for the rest of the mixture which is about $100 a month. Hopefully Ill be able to appeal and convince otherwise with letters from doctors. This cocktail has given him so much more energy and increased attention span...its a shame that insurance wont cover something he so clearly needs. Okay, back to bye-bye. Would anyone be willing to make a very short video waving and saying bye bye to Beckem? Beckem loves to watch other children and people on video, so maybe he will imitate the bye-bye gesture after watching some exaggerated waving on video! Be creative and maybe wave bye-bye to your puppy, or kitty cat. He LOVES cats that he has seen in books and the one that comes into the back yard occasionally. The main thing is to wave really big and say bye-bye while waving. :-)
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 16:04:49 +0000

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