We hope that you all had a great Christmas with family and - TopicsExpress


We hope that you all had a great Christmas with family and friends. We did not have chemo Christmas week so we had a GREAT day with Kevins family. It was low key and then we took the kids to see Unbroken. GREAT movie by the way so make sure you go see it. We go in for round 6 of chemo treatments on Wednesday. Its a good thing we usually just hand out at home on New Years and watch football because that is what we will be doing Thursday. He has felt really good the last few weeks. Everyone says that he is looking good and his color is good so we are thrilled for others to see what we are seeing. We are finally going to MD Anderson on Monday, January 5th. This is our 2nd opinion appointment that has taken this long to get. Thanks to one of our trustees who made one phone call we were contacted immediately. I guess its who you know. Anyway, we were told to be available all week for testing that they want to do. Kevin was already scheduled to have a CT scan and MRI on January 8th to see if the tumors on his liver have responded to chemo. Since MD Anderson will do these tests UT Southwestern will use their scans. So we will know on the week of the 5th the results of the scans. We meet with our Dr. in Dallas on the 14th. A lot going on in the next couple of week so here are some ways to pray for us: 1. Kevins white blood count is up. It was down the last time he was scheduled for chemo and we had to delay a week. Although we did not complain about a week off we cant do that every time. If his blood count is low again he will have to start having an injection after each treatment is completed (has to be done at UT Southwestern and we would have to drive to Dallas for a 10 min apt). We are praying that counts are high and we wont have to address this issue. 2. No side effects on this round of chemo. No paid after his pump is removed and that his energy is better than it has been during treatment week. 3. Our 2nd opinion at MD Anderson will not confuse us and that we will get confirmation that what we are doing currently is what we need to be doing . Also that his scans will show NO SIGN OF CANCER!!! 4. That Kevin and I will continue to have peace about this journey and that our kids will continue to have a normal teenage life. God has blessed us with these kids and are SO thankful to Him for making them very laid back!!!! They have been troopers and have rarely fussed about how life gets crazy every other week in our home. Pray that continues!!! The Ensleys are ready to close out 2014. I see posts about how great 2014 were for people, and I am truly happy about that and have celebrated many exciting events in friends and family lives BUT I am having a hard time saying that about our year. Maybe one day I will be able to look back on 2014 and say that was a good year but I am not there now.. What I can say is that 2014 has allowed me to experience God in a way that I have never done before. I now live 1 day at a time which I never thought I could do. I have met people and entered friendships that I never thought I would know how to relate to their journey. It has been a year that neither one of us want to repeat and we are praying that 2015 holds hope and complete healing for Kevin. I dont have a problem telling everyone that this is my specific prayer for my husband and I pray daily that God will kill every bad cancer cell in his body. I pray that his body will again recognize on its own to kill the cancer cells that want to cause him harm. If you feel led to pray specifically for Kevin, please join me in this specific prayer. God has already answered and we are praying for Him to continue. We love and are blessed by each one of you!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:33:00 +0000

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