We humans are capable of feats of wonder. We have travelled beyond - TopicsExpress


We humans are capable of feats of wonder. We have travelled beyond our own realm, we seek to travel further still, We have acheived so much in our comparitively short tenure upon this amazing planet, yet still we fail miserably at what should be the simplest most natural of acts; that of peaceful coexistance. Our warlike past seems to continue to haunt us, despite the knowledge that we hve acquired, and we seem ever more determined to relive the horror. Our advanced technology affords those who are so inclined, to visit chaos, fear and murder in ever growing proportions. Exactly who is responsible for the most wicked senseless murder of those people aboard flight MH17 is still a matter for some speculation, but even once established it does not return those souls, so violently snatched away, to their families. In my mind at least, there is NO cause that justifies wilfull murder. My deepest condolences to the familes and friends of those lost. I can only hope that this terrible act forces conversation and diplomacy that will bring resolve the unrest in the Ukraine and put an end to this havoc in a peaceful way. In the meantime I must try to reassure my children that the world still is a happy, safe and wonderful place, they are the future afterall.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 07:37:50 +0000

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