We ignore their sentience, their awareness, their intelligence, - TopicsExpress


We ignore their sentience, their awareness, their intelligence, their emotions... and their right to a peaceful life. Despite the scientifically proven fact that pigs are among the most intelligent animals on the planet (based on a human intelligence scale), we treat them as brainless, emotionless commodities. They are beaten, confined in tiny cages all of their lives, and we cut off their tails and pull out their teeth and cut off their genitals without the use of anesthetic. All while they are babies. Babies who trust the human hand that picks them up, until that human hand causes searing, unforgettable pain. From then on, that hand belongs to the devil. . We force mothers to watch their babies smashed to death on the floor mere inches from their faces. We force families to watch their loved ones throats sliced open, one by one. Our cruelty knows no bounds, and if perpetrated upon a dog or a cat, would surely make headlines, with people screaming coast to coast for the monster who did these things to the poor animals to be locked away forever. . But they are only pigs. They are only cows and chickens and turkeys. Thats all they are. They are not humans, they are not dogs, and they are not cats. Therefore, we are told over and over and over from our birth to our death, they do not matter. Let others lock them away and drain their souls from them each day... its all ok. Its all as its meant to be. Dont try to change Gods will. Dont try to change Tradition. Dont upset those who are only doing what generations before them did. . Ill be sure to take that advice to heart this holiday season when I hear someone speak of Peace On Earth, just before saying Grace and carving into that hunk of pig and that turkey corpse in the middle of the table. . Let there be peace on earth. And let it begin with me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 14:19:43 +0000

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