We interrupt this imperfection to share a message of HOPE. A proud - TopicsExpress


We interrupt this imperfection to share a message of HOPE. A proud Mom shares with us: I know that a lot of moms are dealing with some of the same issues I dealt with. I have an awesome 17yr old who, growing up, was torture. ADHD, ODD, rage. Horrible issues with any authority. There were times that, after he was asleep, Id lock myself in my room & just cry....often. At 4 yrs old, his rage was so bad he busted out his window, punched holes in his walls, and I had to be taught how to correctly restrain him when he was having a fit, so he wouldnt hurt himself or me. I thought often, how can I deal with this for 18 years??? I was depressed & overwhelmed. With a husband who didnt understand. But now, without any meds, hell graduate high school next year being Certified in Welding. He also has an almost-full-time job. First serious girlfriend. Bought his 1st vehicle last month. On his own. Sooooo helpful at home. Mows my yard, makes me dinner, dishes , helps with his brother, & cousins who are orphaned, cleans gutters...ALL WITHOUT ME EVEN THINKING TO ASK HIM!!!! I never EVER would have thought this would have happened. I never thought he could control his disorders & become such a sweet, loving, productive member of the family. I love my life. I know I am very lucky. It does get better. I remember a counselor once told me, that it gets better the older they get. I thought she was crazy. We were in so much counseling, family counseling, therapy, it seemed as if it was all we did. And Im not saying ALL children will learn to control these things, but some do & theres hope!!!!!!! I now have a 4 yr old son who has Speech Apraxia, only 20% verbal, & about 40% developmentally behind (mostly becuz of the speech) & hyperactive. My oldest is very understanding & helpful with him. I am now a single, hard working mom, doing everything on my own. I was so overwhelmed at first, but routine routine routine!!! Routines help! And Ive learned patience from dealing with my oldests issues from childhood. And its easier this time around. Im more understanding. I used to take my sons actions so personal, as if it was a personal attack on me. But I know it wasnt. I hear everyones stories on here, & my heart goes out to you! Ive been there, & at times never thought Id make it!!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:16:19 +0000

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