We invite all students interested in medical or dental school to a - TopicsExpress


We invite all students interested in medical or dental school to a workshop on October 23 on scholarships and on strategies to apply to medical schools in Ontario and Alberta. When you have a high GPA , but so do 3500 other candidates …. what differentiate you from the others? Come and learn how your CV can become stellar as opposed to only compliant! The average candidate who gets into med school has at least 10 high impact awards, scholarships or nominations. Learn how to get them even if you are in your application year. Links to over 500 application sites will be presented. There is a scholarship out there for each of you! Learn how to get them in a step by step strategy workshop! The last part of the workshop will be dedicated to strategies to get into med schools in Ontario and Alberta. We will have also medical student guest speaker series with Joana Dida, one of our team leaders who got in med school at U of Toronto this year who will share invaluable tips and strategy to succeed in your med school. Limited space available! Open to all students in the GTA.Register at workshop18medschool.eventbrite If you are not able to attend after registering please notify us at modelsofdiseases@gmail PROGRAM 6:15-7:00 “How to get scholarships that will turn your com- pliant application into a winning one”- Dr. Lorelei Silverman 7:00-7:20 Experience the best time of your life- Sandra Nhoh-Fonseka, Marketing Manager Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board 7:20-8:00 How to be successful applying in Ontario and Alberta Med Schools My journey to medical school - Joana Dida admitted to University of Toronto Medical school University of Health Sciences Antigua brochure distribution Date: October 23rd, 2013 Time: 6:15 pm - 8:00 Location: University of Toronto, Medical Sciences Building, room 3171, 1 King’s College Circle Limited space available! Open to all students in the GTA. Register at workshop18medschool.eventbrite Student testimonials “Thank you again for the opportunity and for all your help and support. I hope sharing my journey to students in our group was useful.”Mario Moscovici, medical student, University of Toronto, Missisauga “I would like to thank you for providing the interview support for me, it was very helpful and I would like to let you know that it has worked out for me and I will be going to Ottawa University next year! I am currently looking for summer employment opportunities and please let me know if there are opportunities available”. Fan Yang, medical student, Ottawa “My name is Alisha Babar, an international student, currently in my second year of undergrad, studying life science. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your tremendous efforts that you put in your Med School Workshops providing a road map especially for international students like us who (know) where they want to go in life but rarely have someone or anyone to tell them (how). I would like to thank you for being that guide not only for students like us but for students from all walks of life, for providing us with a road map towards our prospective carrier goals. I consider myself very fortunate to have had the chance to attend not one but several of your workshops teaching me something new every time about how to plan ,prepare and achieve the goal set forth. Hats off to you and your sisters ceaseless efforts to build and improve us”. Alisha Babar “Dear Drs. Lorelei and Rosalind Silverman, Thank you very much for hosting the medical school admission seminar yesterday. It has helped me learn more about unclear areas of the application process, as well as discover interesting extracurricular opportunities. I am very interested in being a part of the Models of Human Diseases. I would like to help organize events and research on a model of a human disease as I find research a very interesting and exciting path that I want to embark on in my life as a physician. I found it very kind of you to host the seminar yesterday and use some of your time to guide me afterwards; I deeply appreciate it and I am eager to help MHD as much as I can, in return. Thank you very much for your advice and time. Sincerely yours”, A.N, University of Toronto After attending the Medical School Application Workshop in July, I became inspired and motivated by the enthusiastic and helpful leaders. I hope, in volunteering, to work more closely with Drs. Lorelei and Rosalind Silverman, and help raise awareness to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and aid the discovery of new and alternative treatments. I also hope that in furthering the cause of Models of Disease, I learn how to independently further my own capabilities and proficiency as a future medical professionalMohammad Mehandria, University of Toronto Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to speak at another one of your great events. Please provide your event attendees with my email in case they have questions about anything med-related and please let me know if you ever need me again. Your continued support and guidance mean a lot to me and I look forward to further contributing to your events as a med student and surgeon one day. Best regards Morrison Steel, University of Toronto, St George “I attended the medical school/dental school workshop yesterday evening, and it was very beneficiary and resourceful. Thank you very much for your great help and guidance. Upon hearing about Models of Human Diseases, I did more research and I am intrigued by the types of initiatives this organization is involved with. The work is very noble, and I would certainly be interested in dedicating my time and efforts to this organization and help endorse or further its accomplishments. I am especially interested in becoming a committee member. Thank you very much for your time and I hope to hear from you soon,” Lindsay Raoufi, 3rd year University of Toronto at Scarborough, Neuroscience and Psychology Hello Ms. Silverman, I came to the last Medical School Application Workshop in July and found it enormously helpful and wanted to thank you for organizing such a fantastic and informative event! Julia Chen, University of Toronto, Missisauga Dear Dr. Silverman, I would like to congratulate you for the successful seminar organized last Wednesday. It was a very informative experience for me which initiated my process of thought towards my medical school application. Following several conversations with Robin (who initiated my interest in your group) I believe your group will be very helpful in my career in the public health discipline. “Dear Dr. Silverman(s),It was a pleasure to meet the two of you yesterday at MHD workshop #9 and I would like to thank you for organizing such an excellent event. Not only for making it so informative but also for providing personal advice based on your experiences to us Canadian pre-meds.” Zubeir Khan, 3rd U ofT St. George, LMP and Pharmaceutical Chemistry I have won the Equals6 Top Talent Scholarship, for which I requested you to write me a letter in December. I am emailing you to say thank you for all your help. Regards, Usman Saeed, University of Toronto Scarborough I am currently finishing my undergraduate from University of Toronto, Scarborough in Neuroscience and Biology and I am will be graduating in November, 2012. I am looking forward to gaining variety of experience in organizing seminars, providing information and learn about new advancements and technology within medical field. I believe associating with a prestigious group like Models of Human Disease would be a great learning experience. Sincerely,” Vineet Avhad, University of Toronto “I was fortunate enough to attend yesterdays work shop on getting in to medical school. As an undergraduate planning to apply to medical school, I thought your session was very informative and comprised of many important ideas that are really helpful in preparing oneself to become a future physician. Your motivation in providing guidance and support for future health care professionals is a valuable one that can illuminate lives of many students and the future of our health care system. I also thought that from the real-life examples of students you showed to us, it was evident that the MHD team has been able to make a huge impact on student lives by making them more experienced, educated and confident about entering a health-care profession. I make this an opportunity to thank Dr. Rosalind Silverman and Dr. Lorelei Silverman for taking initiative to create this group and to provide students like me with the opportunity to be informed about medical school.”Buddhi Hatharaliyadda, U of Toronto “First of all it was so wonderful to meet both you and your sister yesterday. It was so helpful and really eye opening. I cant tell you how much I appreciate it.”Yael Spiegel, York University “I am planning to apply medical school in this fall for both US and Canadian medical schools. I attended the workshop last week on how to write a great personal statement and think it is very help in many aspects.” Lara Fu, 4th year, U of Toronto, biomedical engineering “Thank you so much for the various opportunities you have given me in the past year. Currently, I am looking to apply to medical school for the upcoming application cycle and I was wondering if I can please obtain a reference letter from you”. Sincerely,Mary Yang International medical graduate testimonials “I had the privilege of attending your workshop on How to write best personal statement. As an IMG who has recently come to Canada, this was an eye opener. I have taken the MCCEE (Medical Council of Canada Equivalency exam) and am awaiting the results. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how helpful and necessary your workshops are for International Medical Doctors (IMD) who need to have insight into the process for selection into residency programs in Canada. Your workshops have been extremely beneficial in understanding the requirements. I would appreciate an opportunity to work with your organization and use my experience in Hematology oncology. I look forward to attending your workshops. Sincerely,” Vinita Sundaram “Dear Dr Silverman: I was privileged to attend the recent workshop on writing the personal statement for medical and dental students at U of T. As a recent immigrant to Canada and an IMG,I found the advice invaluable. I obtained my Master in Clinical Tropical Medicine at Mahidol, University, Bangkok, Thailand .I would be very much interested in volunteering with models of human disease, and would like to discuss this possibility whenever convenient to you. Thanking you Sincerely”, Chrysanthus Henry
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:16:40 +0000

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