We just got a question on our Tumblr asking what our band name - TopicsExpress


We just got a question on our Tumblr asking what our band name meant and if it has any special significance. When you choose a name, especially one like ours, this is something you are going to have to answer a lot. Its actually been a while since weve been asked that, but Im sure people still wonder about it. So I thought I would post the answer here too. Also, it appears Facebook has changed/improved their searching algorithm, and our Facebook is way easier to find now and weve seen a major uptick in our likes in the past week, which directly ties into our band name and its odd wording/punctuation and why it was apparently had to find before. So thank you both to our old and new fans- you mean the world to us. Here is the answer I gave: It was never meant to be a full band, it was my solo project and I thought “Hey, this won’t ever go anywhere- I’m going to name it something elaborately wordy.” I had never been in a band that went anywhere before, despite being in a lot of bands, so I wasnt aware of the impact of a name. While I still like the name, if given a chance to go back and start with a new name from the beginning, I would. The name is from a time period of my writing where I very much was into hiding meaning behind a dense wall where the reader had to dig to find meaning and really work for it. Like there was a payoff, you know? I don’t write that way anymore, but I think it was an important stage of my writing to go through and I’m still proud of it/that I went through it. Anyway, the name itself is as follows- The “Empire! Empire!” portion is the idea of your grand vision, your dream- that one elusive, ultimate thing that makes you happy/keeps you alive. For me, it was music- for you, it might be a relationship, or writing, or acting, education, etc. The exclamation points denote how important this dream is. The second portion, “(I Was a Lonely Estate)” represents how I felt at the time- overlooked, unimportant, and like I was never going to go anywhere. That is also why it is in parenthesis, because it is meant to be more of an afterthought. So the name in it’s entirety is trying to overcome that feeling and become who/what you want to be. The explanation is overly wordy- very much a sentiment of that period of my life. But that is what our name means. Dont give up on your Empire!
Posted on: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 01:17:01 +0000

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