We just got back home last night from an eventful 2 day trip to - TopicsExpress


We just got back home last night from an eventful 2 day trip to Los Angeles. We decided last minute to take the kids out of school and enjoy some family time so we took the kids to Disneyland. Its been over 5 years since weve been there so it was definitely overdue. The kids had so much fun. To be honest though, Im not sure how they can call it the happiest place on Earth?! I must have seen at least a dozen different kids throw their little tantrums thanks to being overstimulated and tired. And my kids had their share of tantrums and fighting with each other... all day long! From a parents view, Im not sure whats fun about spending hundreds of dollars at a theme park, dealing with tired and crabby kids, nonstop fighting and bickering, and waiting in 45 minute lines. Maybe its just me but thats not really my idea of fun?! Today was much less chaotic. We got to meet a show dog named Jessie, who did all kinds of cool tricks for us. Jesses dog friends, Lucky and Cane, were also there so the kids had a lot of fun playing with them. Check out Jesses cool tricks on his YouTube videos at JustJessetheJack. Thank you to our friend Rob for coordinating the private show with Jesse! After meeting with Jessie, we headed over to Dreamworks studios. You know the company that makes all the amazing animated movies like Kung Fu Panda, Shrek, and Madagascar... thats just naming a few! Davids friend Susan works there and was nice enough to host us to a delicious lunch a private tour of the place. It is beyond gorgeous and looks like an amazing place to work! Susan, you are one lucky gal. Thanks for your wonderful hospitality! Julias HAMA test came back positive... still!? So her doc wants her to do a couple rounds of low dose chemo until her HAMA clears. It can take a couple more months for it to clear. I talked to her doc on the phone yesterday and he discussed options with me again on what else there is for Julia. Luckily he doesnt recommend MIBG therapy or high dose chemo (both very toxic treatments) for her. But at the same time he doesnt know what to do really. He still looks at her as having a lot of disease and because of that, she doesnt qualify for certain trials. Some trials are only beneficial for kids who have very minimal or no disease. Julia does not fit this description even though they think that most of her disease is matured. They really dont know how much of it is actually disease and how much is benign? And unfortunately unless we just cut her open in multiple parts of her body, we will never know. She has spots on her skull, multiple spots on her legs, and her vertebrae... they all light up on her MIBG scan. This makes the docs very anxious especially since she hasnt really done any treatment since August. Sometimes when I think about it, it literally scares the shit out of me knowing that my daughter still has disease all over her. But then I just take a step back and remind myself that these docs do not know everything. And Faith can overcome anything. I believe that my daughter will be healed by natural medicine. God provided us with everything we need to keep our bodies healthy and that is what I am trying to do with Julia. I have been looking into getting cannabis oil for her and I truly believe that this is whats going to get rid of her cancer. Cannabis has been proven to shrink tumors and it has helped cure many other diseases as well. It comes from a natural plant that God provided on this Earth for us to use in the proper way. Even things grown in nature can be abused, but when used in the way they were intended, can be very medicinal and have healing properties. If conventional medicine was Julias only hope then I might as well give up because it hasnt done its job of curing her. And it fails thousands of children every year. It breaks my heart every time I read about another child whose life was taken away way too soon! I refuse to let cancer win. Ultimately I know its Gods plan but I will do everything in my power and knowledge to help her beat this. * I will post more pics of our trip once I download them from the camera. These are the only ones I had on my phone;-) To Jesus through Mary, Julias mommy
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 23:00:18 +0000

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