We just watched the media circus on tv regarding the death of - TopicsExpress


We just watched the media circus on tv regarding the death of #RobinWilliams. How ghoulish and ignorant can todays #reporters get!?! What difference does it make how he ended his life? What difference does it make if a note was left? How dare they question as to why his wife slept in a different room than her husband! How dare they insinuate and then come right out and say/ask that wasnt it convenient that his wife left the home without checking on her husband and did not return until AFTER the police and fire department had arrived and he had been confirmed dead! Who cares if there were superficial cuts on his wrists and what direction they were in? I do hope that people will stop with all of this nonsense about the nitty gritty details as to how he died. Personally, I do not care to know. It is none of my business and for that fact, nobody elses business except the Authorities, his family, Robin and his Higher Being. I hope that know-it-alls will stop with the guessing and psycho analyzing Robin Williams. It is a bit too late for that now. CNN news and just about every other news station out there has every psychologist/therapist who is trying to make a name for him/herself being interviewed to give their opinion on what drove Robin Williams to his death. Messages of judgement are now popping up everywhere on Social Media judging the man for taking his life. There are actually a few mental illness groups on Social Media who are using Robin Williams as their new Poster Boy for Mental Illness! The man has just died! Give it some time! I have read comments claiming that if he had God in his life, he would still be alive and would not have suffered with depression. Give me a break! Nobody, and I mean nobody except for Robin knows for certain if he had a relationship with his Higher Being. Nobody has the right to judge! There are so many tragic situations going on in the world. Now, because Robin Williams has taken his life, the media and social media find that to be more important than all of the people dying in this world because of wars, famine, illness and poverty. May we please take a moment and say a prayer or special thought for Robin and his family. May we give Robins family space and time to grieve? May we stop and possibly think about mental illness and begin to reach out to others who are hurting deep inside? Death should never be a media circus. Death by mental illness is serious. It is not a joke. Mental Illness is real. Mental illness is serious. Please, give someone a smile today. Hug someone. Get to know people a little bit better and when you ask if someone is doing okay, do it sincerely and not just as lip action. Care - really genuinely care! If you are a person who suffers from Mental Illness, get help. If one therapist does not work, get another one. Talk to a friend. If you feel that you dont have a friend, call a crisis line. The person on the other end of the line does care. If they didnt care, they would not be there to listen to you. Know that there are people in this world who do care. The person who wrote this cares. If I didnt care, I would never have taken the time to write this message and to let you know that you are special. You are loved. You are unique. You are valued. My heart cries when you cry. You are not alone.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 19:55:02 +0000

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