We, just were in a pretext of being laid in the most vulnerable - TopicsExpress


We, just were in a pretext of being laid in the most vulnerable situations which has been timely bruising our own innerselves since years together. We have being disposed to the prolonged filth and garbage to rote things that we had been always tought in our primitive years, as children. We, have been trained to pray to God for the fear that we will not be liked if we dont do so. We, were trained to respect our elders but never being told to love them. We, were being forced to visit the temples and churches and were instructed to join our hands in front of that Idol which the society termed as God. We, all are compelled to behave properly without knowing its significance of why we are made to do so. We, were being more channelized to fear God of being punished if we do something wrong. We, were tought to beg for forgiveness everytime in front of the Lord who servedd more as a tyrant for us in our minds than being a Loving Abode. Since early childhood we were just tought to obey things than understanding the value of why we pray. We, were forcefully injected in our minds to be more of a watch dog to mind our habits , rather than making us understand why we need to curtail to good habits. Infact we never knew we actually have something called as our own minds. Education has just been a series of textbooks to be rotted through , just to secure some good marks to get into the next semister. Schools and colleges never imposed somethingo n Spirituality which only serves as the food to our souls. We, have always been treated more as breeding horses than to be thattrue human being that resides in us. It has been only through various books and philosophies of those great souls who had just advised us to learn to love God who resides in our hearts and those were just their personal experiences that they had, was forwarded to us in the form of books and learning.But the true essence of love for the Master and our Divine Guru could be only seen when Jaya Di came in our lives. She has never tought us any thing on how to love our Master. When she just even spills out some words from her mouth the glory of the Lord just dances in every rhythm of our heart beats making us more near to Him. Infact Jaya Di is the one whom we all know and she is known by millions like me all around the globe. Though, we at certain times skip out those dear once of BABA who love Him through all their hearts. One of the most lovable lady full of grace that I , have aqauinted with is Sima Soni. Sima, as I know is one of the most compassionate lady, I have ever seen in my entire lifetime. She is the perfect embodiment of love who just beathes BABA in her everybreathe. I have known her since quiet a handful of months till now but the more I know about her the more I feel amazed of the kind of love she has for Sainath. She lives every moment with BABA. We, talk of great things like Meditation, Yoga and Parayana to attain God but we never knew that God can be just so easily attained by mere loving Him. Sima has been one of the most inspiration figuresin my life, who has let me come more close to BABA. One of the most pure souls that I , have ever met in my life. Nevertheless to say that inspite of her being so close to BABA, life was never a bed of roses for her. There has been catastrophic events in her life which even I, could not imagine my life being placed in and could have actually blowed off the race. But she was unfazed by all kinds of adversities and faced them with her Unsurmountable faith in BABA. She is one of those few once who just live for others. She loves to live for others and she just lives the way her Saima makes her to live. There had been times that she was in the midst of some serious problems in her life but that doesnot let that charm to go off her face as she is just relaxed and at peace like never before giving away her problems to BABA solely and hanging around at utmost ease , which people like us could have seldom imagined in our wildest dreams. She is a perfect example of Self Surrender. BABA truely works through such pure souls and let us understand what true love is all about. I, have never seen any thing negetive in her. She is full of positivity.Meditation , pranayam, namasmaran and contemplation on God will just be a waste of time if we lack that true love from within for the want of Lord. Sima, thanks for leading by example. We, all are fortunate that you have brought us more close to BABA like our Di has and am sure most of us who know her would also agree with what I have expressed..I, just had a flash of thought in my mind so I penned them down today..Thank You Sima Soni for teaching us what real love for BABA is all about. Aum Sai Ram ..Peace Be to All...
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 10:27:58 +0000

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