We know that the Chinese are a hard-working people; intelligent, - TopicsExpress


We know that the Chinese are a hard-working people; intelligent, determined and progressive. They have recently flooded the world with all kinds of products - from stockings to silverware, paper to parasols, ice-makers to iPads (Tablets, computer hardware and software, etc.), bamboo shoots to bling-ware, body-building equipment, etc., etc. The list goes on and on. They are not far behind in education either, now that leading educational authorities around the world are seeking their advice and suggestions, such as the UKs Department for Education (DfE) calling on China to help in boosting the standards of Maths in schools. The Holy Prophet Muhammad - sall-Allahu taala alayhi wa-sallam, is reported to have said: اطلبوا العلم و لو بالصين فان طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم Seek knowledge even (if you have to seek it) in China, for seeking knowledge is a duty binding on every Muslim. (al-Bayhaqi, as-Sakhawi, Ibn Abd al-Barr, al-Khatib, etc.) - This hadith has varied classifications; mashhur, daif, and even mawdu. However, it promotes a positive message on the quest for knowledge. Irrespective of which country has been mentioned in hadiths, knowledge is the prime duty of humanity, and it ought to be sought wherever, whenever and however lawfully possible. The first man, Prophet Adam - alayhis-salam, was taught by his Creator - Allah subhana-Hu wa-taala, the names of all things (Quran, 2:31), studying is the first command obliged on humans by Allah subhana-Hu wa-taala (Quran, 96:1-5), and the thirst for knowledge is inherently present in all humans (Quran, 55:4). Let us learn from one another, teach one another, and assist one another in the promotion of knowledge - without the boundaries of religion, caste, language, ethnicity, etc. The Chinese have progressed into a leading nation, from whom assistance is requested in Maths and many other areas of human welfare and development, but anyone can join this healthy competition. Allah subhana-Hu wa-taala helps those who help themselves. May He subhana-Hu wa-taala help us all. Amin. news.uk.msn/uk/chinese-teachers-at-english-schools
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 09:22:50 +0000

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