We live in a world of steel sky scrapers and plastic people. There - TopicsExpress


We live in a world of steel sky scrapers and plastic people. There was a day when we had steel men and wooden carts, now we have steel carts and wooden men. We all want love but dont want to give it. We all demand respect but yet we cut off our neighbor at the ankles. We want stand-up people behind us, yet we sit down when it comes to them. We all talk about helping the less fortunate, just dont take a slice of my pie. We have big egos and little hearts. We all want to be heard, yet we say nothing. We talk about change, but no one changes. We talk about stopping wars in other countries, yet we dont hesitate to pull the trigger in our own. If you want a different world it starts with you. Dont wait for the other guy, look inside yourself. If we all just could change one selfish act a day to one that would benefit someone else. Imagine the possibilities. Just one. A day. One.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 14:05:24 +0000

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