We live in a world where, based on appearances, every single thing - TopicsExpress


We live in a world where, based on appearances, every single thing is going to die. Sooner or later, all evidence would seem to suggest death is inevitable. It is accepted as true by 99% of the population, and even those who fear it and avoid it still believe it deep down. Every time a leaf falls from a tree, every time someone passes away, every time the season changes, every time something stops doing whatever it was doing before, this is proof of death. It seems to be built into the very fabric of the reality of this world, where even atoms and particles seem to go in and out of existence, being born for a while and then dying, over and over again. If you believe appearances, and if you think there is no other way, then its understandable why youd be so profoundly convinced that you HAVE to die. And then, because it seems to be totally inevitable, so `natural`, so common-place, we just - literally, roll over and die, as though we just have to accept it, or that we can even make peace with its inevitability. It seems eventually we just totally give up on life in a kind of totally passive way, allowing whatever happens to happen to us, and then cease to exist. This is all designed to make death unquestionable and irreversible-seeming. But its not true. No-one has to die. Death is not inevitable. Death is not the only option. And this is REAL... there REALLY is an alternative to having to die. How about that?! The alternative is simply... apply forgiveness, undo unconscious guilt with Holy Spirit, heal the separation between you and God, and return to an awareness of a permanent fact: YOU ARE IMMORTAL SPIRIT, and any suggestion otherwise cannot be real or true. Youre not going to die, ever. You never have died. Even your past lives in which you seemed to die to make transitions did not happen. You have never stopped existing and you never will. Feel into that for a moment.. feel your permanence, your everlastingness, the fact that you cannot disappear or cease to exist. What if you exist forever? Not as an ego self, or a temporary self, or an imagined self, but as the One Self that God Created to be permanently real.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 15:55:29 +0000

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