We live not only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect - TopicsExpress


We live not only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us…”- Melville “Creating Community Wherever You Are” with Interfaith Calendar and Festive Spiritual Resource Immersion, 14 March 2014 Today: Sikh New Year (Nanakshahi Era 546 begins) Listening, click here - sikhguru.in/ interfaithcalendar.org , multifaithcalendar.org, ayearofbeinghere daily poetry and wheeloftheyear Symbols: bing/images/search?q=Interfaith+symbols+of+Love dailyatheistquote/ goodreads/quotes/tag/agnosticism kidworldcitizen.org/diversity-calendar/ sacredspace.ie Awareness of the Presence - If someone asked you to give them another word for God, you could use the word Presence, … from Finding God in All Things by Brian Grogan SJ Old Farmers’ Almanac Calendar: almanac/calendar/date/2014-03-14 14 March = The runic half-month of Beorc begins, Diasea (Greek) Veturius Mamurius- This is the half-month for the goddess of birch trees, for rebirth. Its also a festival for the art of making armor. Equirria A festival of horse racing dedicated to Mars, god of war and agriculture. Established by Romulus himself in the early days of Rome. Ua, Zit (Egyptian Serpent-Goddess) from syrylynrainbowdragon.tripod/march.html from wheeloftheyear : It is National Social Work Month, themed: “All People Matter” * 3/14: Sikh New Year (Nanakshahi Era 546 begins). Accession of Guru Har Rai Sahib, seventh Sikh guru, commemorated. [Guru Har Rai lived 1630-1661; guru 1644-1661.] [a/k/a Guru Har Rai Gur Ghaddhi] [Nanakshahi calendar] nanakgharkegole/Guru%20Purabs.html glbet-el.org/textesfrancais/Origins%20of%20Sikhism.pdf * 3/12 eve to 3/16 eve: Jewish fast of Esther, Shabbat, and fest of Purim--Recalls a planned massacre of Persian Jews and their deliverance by Queen Esther; time for helping those in need. [The Book of Esther/The Megillah is read and acted out.] [See The Megillah: jewishexponent/judaism/2014/03/megillah-reading-is-a-communal-enterprise[Fast of Esther a/k/a Taanis Esther, Taanit Esther, Feast of Lots] [Adar 13-14] lutheran-in-sc.blogspot/2012/05/commemoration-of-esther.html * 3/12 to 3/17: Holi--Hindu festival celebrating the courting of God Shiva by Goddess Parvati, and the efforts on Her behalf by Kama (God of Love) and Rati (Goddess of Passion). Shaivas are devoted to God Shiva in all His aspects. [See Mantra to Shiva and Mantra to Devi.] [a/k/a Little Holi, Bihar Holi, Sri Chaitanya, Big Holi, Dulhendi] [Phalgun Shukla 11-15; Chaitra Krishna 1] * 3/9 eve to 3/14 eve: City Dionysia--Old Greek festival honoring God Dionysos as patron of drama, poetry, music, and inspiration. Actors performed sacred drama, poets recited hymns, musicians played instruments, singers sang songs, and dancers danced. [Elaphebolion 9-13] * 3/5 to 4/19: Lent—( phylliscoledai/emptiness_of_our_hands/ )Christian time of purification by self-reflection, peace-making, reparation for harm done, and helping those in need. [On Ash Wednesday, a cross of ashes is imposed on foreheads of Christians. They are reminded of their mortality and exhorted to repent of their sins. Some observe a Lenten fast and abstain from meat on Fridays .] [ prayers for Lent: onlineministries.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/Lent/ ] * 3/2 to 3/20: Bahai feast honoring the one Deity as Ala - Loftiness. Followed by the Fast - time of purification by fasting from sunrise to sunset. [Ala Truce (through Naw Ruz): Time to cease all forms of conflict (at least temporarily), extend a greeting to your adversary, and share an evening meal for peace.] [a/k/a Ala Fast, Period of the Fast] * 3/2 to 3/16: Losar/Tibetan Buddhist New Year (Year 2141: the Wood Horse) & Monlam Chenmo/Great Prayer Festival--Commemorates miracles performed by the Buddha. Rituals, dances, and sculptures are offered to drive out evil spirits and to protect and benefit all sentient beings. [Ends on Chotrul Duchen.] * 3/1 to 3/31: Gender Equality Month--Time to honor both genders; time to meditate on the equality of women and men, on the respect due to both women and men, and on Goddess-God manifesting as woman and man. [Expands idea of Womens History Month.] newsinfo.inquirer.net/583524/aquino-makes-pitch-for-gender-equality specialhappens/2013/03/04/gender-equality-month/ … an endless collage of resources to share: The Pluralism Project at Harvard University Seeking Summer Interns Deadline: March 21. The Pluralism Project is seeking applications for research internship positions for Summer 2014. pluralism.org Please join us on 2014 MLK Civil Rights Heritage Tour – a historic bus trip April 22nd – April 26th 2014 to retrace the steps of Dr. King and other civil rights heroes. For individuals and group rates: crc.columbus.gov/content.aspx?id=30272. spiritualitynetwork.org/events.html speakingpeace.org/calendar/ Lecture on “Pope Francis and the World’s Religions,” April 2 John L. Allen, Jr., Associate Editor of The Boston Globe following sixteen years as the prize-winning Senior Correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter, will give the Tenth Annual Lecture on World Religions and Interreligious Dialogue sponsored by the Theological Consortium of Greater Columbus. 7:00 p.m., Wed, April 2 at the Jessing Center Pontifical College Josephinum, 7625 North High Street, Columbus.RSVP is not required for this event. The Dances of Universal Peace are simple, meditative, and joyous circle dances that celebrate the variety of spiritual paths on Earth. 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Avenue, Columbus, 43214. (Just east of High St. in Clintonville, one block north of North Broadway). Columbus Dances of Universal Peace: for more information contact Thallia at centralohiosufi@yahoo or 614-486-9530 (at least two days before the next event). Equality - You can contact public officials: Now, more than ever, our messages of welcome for all people, respect and inclusion, diversity and community, interfaith dialogue, and equality are being called forth. Use our Tell-a-Friend tool and ask your friends and family to send this message to their members of Congress too: org.salsalabs/o/1272/p/salsa/web/tellafriend/public/?tell_a_friend_KEY=8218 If we raise up our voices together, change will come! good day, all – have a festive, meaningful day. Enjoy all you have calendared. ~ gwyn, lnkd.in/dDBdgBz bing/images/search?q=gwyn+stetler hipstermonk/the-golden-rule-a-list-of-two-dozen-versions/ Images of Divine Feminine: bing/images/search?q=images+of+Divine+Feminine&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=images+of+divine+feminine&sc=0-17&sp=-1&sk Dedicated to Genuine Seekers of “Deep Love. Deep Healing. Deep Peace” peacealliance.org/internationally-focused-peacebuilding-agencies-in-federal-government/ tiedyeteeshirts/hoodies.htm peacealliance.org/magnet-images/ great ideas welcome Building a Rainbow Together: mostlyposters/images/posters/fullsize/23550c.jpg ~30~
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 10:43:17 +0000

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