We live our day to day lives hoping for joy, peace, love, - TopicsExpress


We live our day to day lives hoping for joy, peace, love, greater bonds with those we care about, and material things in one form or another. When we fail to get those things, we lash out and attack others. We lose sight of what matters. We lose sight of the fact that there are approximately 7,199,999,999 other people on this planet, and they have all gone through the same things that we have gone through. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says that no temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. This is a two-fold blessing. First, it means we are not alone in the mistakes we make or temptations to commit sins. Others understand what you have gone through, are going through, or will go through. Second, if we truly believe Jesus was all man and all God, then this scripture means that Jesus faced all of the temptations of man and overcame them. This means that he probably faced the temptation to be depressed or wallow in self pity, the temptation to harm himself or even commit suicide, the temptations to gamble, cheat, steal, lie, lust, or simply give up. He didnt. He died and rose again, because if you were the ONLY one on earth or the only one that had ever sinned and needed His sacrifice, He would have stepped down from His throne all the same and died for just you. We get so caught up in our daily activities and things were struggling with that we forget that He has already prepared and provided the way. We forget to remember everyday (and sometimes we even need reminders throughout the day) that to God each and every single person no matter how short or tall, thin or fat, no matter what we own or who we know, no matter what we say or do or have done or will do, we. all. matter. Take a moment to think about the person that matters to you the most. Really think before you continue reading. Now imagine that the person you thought of was facing an imminent and inevitable death, and you knew when and how it would happen. You would do anything and everything possible to save that person, right? Even if it meant everyone hating you, even your own countrymen, your own friends, your own family? What if it meant being badly beaten, even death to save that person? Would you still do it? Because - you were loved enough that Jesus did for you. Like I said, its easy for us to get caught up in our daily struggles and forget all that He has done for us and still has yet to do. Its easy to forget that someone you pass at work, school, or on the street may need a smile, a gift, a hope, a prayer, a hand up, but isnt the greatest thing we could ever do to say thank you for all that Jesus did for us is to take the time to show Him that He matters a little more to us everyday? Isnt the greatest thing we could ever do to say thank you would be to share His story and example with the people we meet? Remember you matter to God today, and He has already prepared the way (Proverbs 3:5-6) and fights for you (Exodus 14:14). Share His love with others, because chances are the struggle theyre facing is something you can help them through.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 21:40:34 +0000

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