We look for the ultimate contentment in this duniya, little do we - TopicsExpress


We look for the ultimate contentment in this duniya, little do we remember that this is not Jannah, I hate it when people do gheebah, I cant wait for Jannah so we can live the unfollowed naseeha, time is running out, we havent utilized it to know what it was about, are you ready for the end of time, because I worry about others but I havent even thought of mine, money is an inspiration and Jannah has become an illusion, do we have to wait for the angel of death to realize our hypothesis is a false delusion, every second of your life is a chance to repent, repent now because only when you stand in front of Allah SWT youll understand what The Most Merciful meant, I dont usually spit, rhyme or use methaphorical expression, but whatever comes from the heart comes out in any form of affection, Heartbreak got the best of me, but if it wasnt for Allahs wisdom I dont know where I would be, with hardship comes ease, in the remembrance of Allah one finds peace, our emaan is low, But Allah is the Most High, so just raise your hands to the sky, make duaa for yourself and the oppressed, insha Allah your concern for the ummah will make you the best, Allah SWT and amongst the angels they will mention you by name, celebrity statuses cannot buy you that kind of fame, just remember us in your duaa, that we stick together through thick and thin, and Allah swt allows us to be in Jannah together within
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 06:36:43 +0000

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