We love this testimonial from one of our bar brides, Nicole! The - TopicsExpress


We love this testimonial from one of our bar brides, Nicole! The before bar/after bar wedding dress picture proves that all of your hard work in class paid off. Stunning! Here is what Nicole had to say: When my now-husband Alex proposed in November 2012, I was at a point in my life where I was searching for new workout; something that I would enjoy and would motivate, challenge, and change my body. Over the course of the prior two years, I had fallen off the health train and managed to gain 20 pounds, working in a job that required long hours and lots of take out. When my dear friend Mimi Roukoz found out I was engaged, she so confidently insisted that I try Bar Method to get in shape for my wedding in August 2014. I remember her filling me in on what to expect and that “I swear, it works Nicole!!” My first BM class was in March 2013 and to say that I was out of my element is an understatement. I was surrounded by beautiful women whose graceful movements and incredible depth in thigh were intimidating to say the least. But that intimidation was also motivation to keep me coming back and sticking with it. My bar journey started out slow, as I had several trips planned which brought me in and out of town. But when I decided to really step up my game and commit to a minimum of four-five classes per week and a healthy diet, I began to see my body transform- and fast!! I started to feel stronger, doing pushups on my feet and taking some options. Then I started to notice the shrinking in my waist and thighs, and toning in my arms, chest, and shoulders. I couldn’t believe the shape my body was taking. I was becoming lean and had muscle tone I had never seen before! Before I knew it, I had dropped two sizes and lost that weight I had gained before. Bar Method started as a way for me to get in shape for my wedding but by the time I dedicated myself to workout, it became something very different. It became a lifestyle and one of the favorite parts of my day. It is my therapy, my strength, and my meditation. BM is a community that I’m humbled to be a part of and now something I can’t imagine being without. It has become a true passion in my life and I have nothing but gratitude for the mental and physical strength it has given me. Every day I am excited to see what class brings and am so thankful for the instructors and students that inspire me to be better. I know the journey doesn’t get easier which is why it changes our bodies and for that reason I cannot wait to see what’s in store!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 15:00:38 +0000

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