We made it to Llano TX today after dealing with increased traffic - TopicsExpress


We made it to Llano TX today after dealing with increased traffic on highway 16 and weeks of riding back country roads. The ditches havent been to bad but as many of you know Abbey doesnt like to walk in the ditch preferring the pavement she is after all a number 1 road horse. At the moment the herd is hanging out in front of Fuel Coffee shop. About an hour ago I met a man who knew a ferrier in the area and called him, Cameron the shoer was right out and got Abbey trimmed and reset right on the street. The news paper guys came out and interviewed me about the journey. The herd spent the better part of a week in Bend TX were we camped out on the Colorado River and met all the people from the area and those in town for the Fourth of July. We made lots of new friends in the small town that is in two counties, San Saba and Lampasas. Update on Lucy: Talked to the folks earlier this week that are taking care of her and they said she is on the mend but the cut still hasnt fully closed and she is still walking with a limp. Lucy has a new friend named Sugar a mare thats takin a liking to her. We miss ya Lucy get well soon and get back out here Jack is going nuts without you and pesters Abbey all the time. We almost all died in Cherokee TX a couple of days ago. We were leaving town and had just turned the corner and was next to a place that processes deer and other game. A car decided to pass a slower moving truck and horse trailer to beet him to the stop sign and was in our lane and refused to yield pushing us off the road towards the slaughter house and the sounds and smells that had Jack and Abbey very upset. Abbey refused to get off the road as the car flew passed us with in inches. Abbey then decided to back up across the road to the other side and at the truck and trailer. We didnt get hurt but it was close and happened so quickly. Water is increasingly harder to find well access to it that is, many times we can see water tanks, ponds, or creeks just on the other side of the fences but no way to it and to make matters harder many ranchers/landowners fence right to the bridges making it impossible to get to the water below. Didnt know that was legal. All in all it has been a good July and with out many incidences oh oh almost forgot to tell you about being tracked by a big cat in what I was told is the mountain lion capital of the world. Twice it tried to sneak in but Pepper and Jack made lots of noise and it left. Im sure it thought Jack with his packs looked like a tasty slow moving snack. Many ranchers see the cats and loose livestock to them all the time. Well sure theres more but kinda tired and talked with lots of people today. Hope you are all doing well and in good health. Thank you all for the prayers well wishes and keeping us in your thoughts. Miss ya all. Riding on Faith Bry
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 00:31:10 +0000

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