We may be witnessing the coalitions last stand so be prepared for - TopicsExpress


We may be witnessing the coalitions last stand so be prepared for a changing of the guard. Do not be surprised if the establishment will throw out their own party ideologies in a desperate attempt at holding on to power. No matter how crazy it might sound but you may see an attempt at a coalition between Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, if only to keep the others out, particularly Sinn Fein. Do not be fooled by any of these parties. They are loyal to the Neo-Liberal agenda. Both parties are responsible for the wholesale sell out and destruction of Ireland, and they did so for power and wealth. Our natural resources handed away for a song and now they want our water too. Fianna Fáil signing up to any crazy privatisation agenda with the Troika just to protect their wealthy developer and banker friends while Fine Gael had their NewERA plan to privatise everything in their wake long before the Troika made any demands... If you found either of these parties hard to deal with then imagine both of them at the same time. They will be intolerable. We must never let this coalition from hell become a reality or we will pay dearly... Always remember that two cheeks of an arse is still an arse... ~Belenus.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 10:53:42 +0000

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