We may have a need, or an interest in, or a, to use that cursed - TopicsExpress


We may have a need, or an interest in, or a, to use that cursed and misunderstood word, desire in having our spiritual aspirations addressed and then we do need a teacher or someone who is more spiritually knowing and mature then we are. Finding a teacher for one can be difficult and therein lies a danger for all spiritual aspirants, that being to find and choose a wise teacher, one who will guide us in a humble manner instead of tell us who we are and what to do in an arrogant manner. The Dhamma of The Buddha is not a set of teachings from a deep and dark cave in the Himilayan mountains, but a set of practical teachings and guidelines that when we properly comprehend them and apply them to our thoughts, words, routine, behaviors, actions and life can provide us with a path to greater insight, tranquility, joy and wisdom. The fruits of this set of teachings, when properly understood and practiced, will manifest themselves again and again along the way of ones life. One will learn much and grow much, for one who experiences life with a calm, concentrated and balanced mind can always learn, whereas one who has a mind conditioned to and influenced by attachments, aversions, greed, ignorance, delusion and doubt has a hard time seeing or learning anything new to rejoice or find wisdom in, or be inspired by. - Akasula
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 23:40:00 +0000

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