We may not always think of our food supply contributing to high - TopicsExpress


We may not always think of our food supply contributing to high health care costs, in the midst of the systemic issues we face. But, what we eat DOES impact our health...and health care costs. And, sadly, we make heart disease (the #1 killer...and top surgery generator) very, very...affordable. Pork and bacon, beef, corn (oil for crackers, cookies, Fritos, Doritos, Cheetos, HFCS, feed for pigs, cattle and chickens), cheese, and eggs are heavily subsidized...while fruit and veggies receive less than .5% of the subsidy dollar. Why? I speculate that our declining health (and high health care costs) can be traced to the fact that Iowa and New Hampshire come first in the presidential primary season. You need Iowa and New Hampshire votes if you want to be president! You need to support bacon, burgers, and cheese! And, its been proven recently, to a degree, in New Jersey Governor Chris Christies veto of the gestation crate bill in New Jersey. Why would he veto the bill, when the voters and legislature (in bipartisan fashion) overwhelmingly want to see the crates abandoned? Iowa!! Maybe, we need to restructure the primaries to favor the strawberry, orange, spinach, sweet potato, romaine, and broccoli vote?
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 22:50:23 +0000

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