We meet again. My husband is getting suspicious. Oh well, time - TopicsExpress


We meet again. My husband is getting suspicious. Oh well, time for JUPES VIEWS FOR YOUZ! Please read and comment, and then we can all be happy. Thank you. If your birthday is January 3, you share the day with JRR Tolkien, Victor Borge, and John Paul Jones. On this date in 1847, the California town of Yerba Buena was renamed to San Francisco. In 1924, British Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered the sarcaphagus of King Tutankhaman. In 1987, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted their first woman...Aretha Franklin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you heard the news yet? Mike Huckabee has ended his TV show on Fox News, and is considering making another run for president in 2016. First of all, yes...he still had a tv show. Second ...he has every right to do what he thinks is best. Third...He used to be the governor of Arkansas. That Mike Huckabee. I say, good for him! It does make the primary pool a bit crowded, but maybe the more the merrier, right? If Huck decides to run, I wish him well, but in all honesty, at this point in time, I dont think hes the right man for the job. Hes just too nice, although hes unflappable on 2nd amendment rights, hes got some pretty soft areas, including Common Core and foreign policy. All the same, hes such a nice, genuine Christian man. This one will be tough, but Id be voting for the person I see as the best all around candidate. Dont worry, there will be plenty to choose from. My big problem right now is that none of the potential candidates is a 100%er. Theres no Reaganesque person who stands out from the crowd. It could be because Reagan is dead, and the people who are heading for the primary ring are mortals. Well do our best, and vet them out...finding the best of the best. So far, we have only two who have almost completely committed to running in 2016. Those would be Rick Santurum and Ben Carson....neither of whom Id be comfortable about supporting. Santorum because hes a weanie. Ben Carson is a fine man, brilliant, with good intentions and values. However, he has no experience in a leadership position. Then we have two more men who have declared that theyre considering a run...Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee. Huckabee would have support from evangelicals, and about no one else. Bush will get Florida, and probably not a lot more. So four out of four that are close to announcing, and theres no one there to back? Fear not. We have lists. All of the following have said a definite maybe...Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, and Bobby Jindahl. My favorites there are Ryan, Rubio and Walker...but I lean more toward Walker. Ok, then there are those who have voiced interest in running. Rick Snyder, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachman, John Bolton, Chris Christie, Bob Corker, Ted Cruz, Bob Ehrlich, Lindsay Graham, Peter King, George Pataki, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump (Ick), Mike Pence, Herman Cain, Mitch Daniels, Susana Martinez, John Thune, and Allen West. Mitt Romney, at this point has said hes not interested, and so did Trey Gowdy. I can guarantee that if you take each of those names, and go down the list...do some vetting of your own, and youll find some reason to object to that persons qualifications. Like I said, youre not going to find a perfect candidate. We need someone whos capable of doing more than make pretty speeches. We got that with Obama, we dont need it again. Look closely at records, check their affiliations. Do the work yourself, and dont rely on the media to find answers for you. Once you find someone you can really get behind...do that. Not by slamming and bashing other candidates. Let people know why your guy or gal is the right one for the entire country. Even though the president might have and R or D behind his/her name...they represent the entire country. Lets not put another embarrassment in the White House. We have a lot of Country to restore...so lets get busy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matthew 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And thats the way I see it, have a great night, and a better tomorrow. NNGB--Jupe
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 06:12:20 +0000

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