We might all shift blame onto Mnangagwa, but when you look at the - TopicsExpress


We might all shift blame onto Mnangagwa, but when you look at the bigger picture its not his fault. During the 34 years, Robert removed the then first president Canaan Banana so that he could occupy both positions, thus assuming more power unto himself. And since then noone has been allowed to think on his/her on whilst Robert is away, even his stooge vice presidents. What one says in the presence of an important delegate should be scrutinized hugely by Robert himself, & one will be held responsible if their tongue slipped. What Mnangagwa is doing is not a job for an inexperienced vice president. He should be allowed to take risks since hes now in charge, but in our unfortunate case hes not even allowed to. The danger with such systems created by a president of a country is that nothing is done when they are away or sick, worse when they are dead, & they filter through the whole pyramid structure to affect us. Robert thought he could do everything, & now hes realising that he nolonger can. Even his wife is in panic mode. Nowander the urge to get rid of more ministers (e.g Fortune Chasi, etc) aligned to the ambitious Mujuru who won provincial elections around the country & who holds the majority in the party. It shows that he doesnt want a successor for now. But honestly, analysts have talked about a power vacuum & we believe it will occur this way. Mujuru was appointed & received overwhelming support from the recent elections to become VP, but was booted out, only to be replaced by Mnangagwa, who lost in those elections (same as Mugabe did in the previous elections). So what are we saying? Lets say Rob dies today, the next in line to be president is Mnangagwa, but the majority of the party prefer Mujuru. What do you think the army would do to avoid total chaos? They will be forced to find another option. And from our point of view these guys supporters will fight & riot police will be called in. So Garwe is just being used here, & the sooner he realises that Mujuru was a better woman than he, the better positioned hell be. Hell be continually be reminded by Robert of how he was defeated & if it wasnt for papa Robert, he wouldnt be VP. Thats why Robert opted for a weaker leader, one who agrees to everything he says & doesnt ask questions, to which Mujuru was now asking, What if you die..., & Robert saw a threat that could dethrone him. People are patient Robert, & theyll suppress their feelings until the right time. They waited for elections so as to show you how angry they were & you voted against them, now you removed a leader whom they voted for & put the stooges they rejected. We have become so patient that we have now resorted to waiting for you to die, & from the way things are rapidly developing & being rushed, we dont have to wait for longer. As soon as you die, things will unfold & your wife will loose most of the things you helped her grab. Talking about the leadership of your ruining party, we have mentioned the vacuum that will occur, since you have refused to train, recruit or groom a successor with enough experience to takeover. And for all of us to expect a very very old man like you to listen now after 34 years, whilst youve placed logs in your ears, is like trying to convince a monkey thats its now a man. Noone believes you will take advice, even your close security aides dont bother. We would have wanted the opposition parties to take advantage of this mess created by Robert & his baboons & win a majority. But well see how far their egocentrics will take them. Because its not long until we get to such a stage of presidential chaos. Remember the prophecy, the Green horse will win the race but will eventually collapse, & the Red horse will take over. We believe that Red in this scenario is not assigned to a party, but the red in this picture reflects the blood, sweat & tears of the opposition, those cries that voted against Robert which always seemed to disappear into the horizon. But those cries will soon be heard of & we will soon takeover. Not because of MDC lime green, MDC bright orange, MKD yellow, TZ blue or the MDC red, but because everyone of us united & fought together.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 08:49:24 +0000

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