We moved to Washington Township when I was in 4th grade. My mom - TopicsExpress


We moved to Washington Township when I was in 4th grade. My mom swears, I was a hermit for that full 1st year and enrolled me into every sport she could think of, to get me involved and to make friends. I liked the sports but was content in a solo existence, friends seemed like such hard work. It wasnt until 8th grade when this girl named Nanette started talking to me, that my life changed. She was nice, she talked a lot, but she was nice. LOL One day she asked me if Id like to sleep over her house. What? Why? I asked. Why would I sleep over someones house, when I have a perfectly good bed at my house? It was a weird concept to me. (Im telling you I was stunted when it came to friendships. lol) Nanettes response to me was Because it will be fun. Oh ok. Ill try it. My 1st experience at Nans house was to hearing her brother Frankie, who has a developmental disability, loudly screaming as Nans mom changed him. It was scary and I wanted to run. What were they doing to that poor child? Nan shrugged it off, without a second thought and said oh thats my brother, Frankie. She explained the whole thing and it never was an issue again. However thinking back, I marvel at the strength and faith that Frank and Barbara Mlynarczyk must have had,,. After having their 1st child with a severe disability, they went on to have 4 more children. That same strength, faith and love was with them throughout their whole life. I could go on, story after story but main thing is, I had found a friend. Not just a friend, I had found a best friend and a second family. If I wasnt at my house, I was with Nanette and her family. Her parents became my second set of parents. Her brothers and sister became mine. They accepted me as their own and boy that was saying something, because they already had a lot of kids! I guess they figured, whats one more?! There was always something going on at the Mlynarczyk House. There were always people there, it was great. What fun! One of my favorite memories is when they took me on a vacation to visit Mom Ms side of the family in Virginia. To pass the time away, on the long drive, they sang. They sang! Another novelty to me. My family didnt sing in the car. But Mom Mlynarczyk and Nanette sang some quirky song I never heard of. Mom M had such a nice voice. I was amazed. They all sang together and sounded great. What a fun and novel concept to me! I always remember Mom M singing and laughing. She had a hearty laugh. One that made you laugh too. When she got together with her sisters, there was nothing but laughing. I shall miss that laugh. There was a lot of love in that house or so I thought. Later I realized it wasnt the house, it was the family. It was Mom and Dad Mlynarczyks adoration and love for each other, that had shone through their kids. Yes, there were inevitable arguments and disagreements but love was the glue that held everything together. Nanette always says I changed her life for the better. I beg to differ. Im quite sure it was her and her family that changed my life and helped mold me into the person I am today. My second mom, Barbara Spada Mlynarczyk passed away yesterday. I am heartbroken. I know she struggled with health issues and Im sure she is now at peace. She leaves behind a wonderful family and should be proud that she had raised such strong, good hearted, intelligent and loving children. She was always happiest when she was with her family. I am heart broken at the thought that Francis Mlynarczyk has lost his other half. I pray he finds comfort in the beautiful memories that they made together. To my extended family, my brothers and sisters and their families, Dad Mlynarczyk, Frankie, John Paul Mlynarczyk, Nanette Mlynarczyk Nelson, Karen Mlynarczyk Aquilano, Adam Mlynarczyk my thoughts and prayers are with you. From across the miles, I am sending you my never ending love, my hugs and strength. Mom M, you will be missed in this world but Im sure you will never be far away, in our thoughts and memories. I know all I have to do is close my eyes and think of you, and I can still hear you laughing and singing that quirky song. xxx
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:25:52 +0000

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