We must begin today.All members of the House of Representatives - TopicsExpress


We must begin today.All members of the House of Representatives come up for re-election in November 2014.All MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES share responsibility for the government shutdown that occurred on October 1, 2013. We, the people, must demonstrate, by voter participation that we, the people, are in charge of the United States of America.We, the people, MUST NOT vote for any Republican and many Democrats to fill a position in the United States of America House of Representatives. The GOP/Tea Party members and their lovers have targeted all women, regardless of color, Latinos, and Negros as being inferior and should not be allowed to vote. Remember what these people have done to American people in the past few years.On 1 October 2013 the House Republican/Tea Party members ofthe Congress shut down the United States government because they did not get their way and cut 150 million people out of available medical care by eliminating the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the GOP voted more than 40 times but failed every time); this law was approved by the full Congress in 2010 and signed by the President; in 2012 the GOP asked the Supreme Court to review the law for Constitutionality; the Supreme Court headed by a GOP President appointee told Congress and the American people that the Law was Constitutionally correct; these actions would expose America to foreign threats and economic poverty; the GOP does everything it can to make sure the poor remain poor and the middle class is reduced to poverty.They could not accept that the President of the United States of America was black. Look at other crippling changes supported by the same GOP/Tea Party members; and, many of the Democrats in the House have now joined the fight against the American people that need affordable health care., 1) in 2006 the Congress enacted a law requiring advanced money payments that has crippled the U.S. Postal Service to the extent that it is now threatened with enormous cuts and restrictions on services, 2) they enacted laws and made adjustments in federal and state operations that greatly cripple women rights and basically tell women, you are a second class citizen, you don’t count, and 3) the GOP fights, every day, to cut much needed services such as Social Security, retirements, including military capability, that makes America appear to all foreign countries as a downward spiraling Nation without leadership, 4) the GOP demand drastic reductions in the food stamp program that is needed to insure our hungry, mostly single mothers and kids, are fed at the minimum healthy levels(enforcement of the proper enactment process would greatly eliminate much of the waste and abuse in all these areas), 5) the GOP supports legislation in every state that would restrict voting rights of blacks, Hispanics andwhites that support Democratic candidates or beliefs, and 6) the GOP openly supports the Heritage Foundation, an extremely conservative organization that is at best un-American. These malcontents have their own agenda and are not willing to work with other in Congress or the grass roots people. Their actions and beliefs are closely aligned with those of the KKK. The word compromise eludes their small minds. We must replace these radical members of the United States Congress and show them that, we, the people, still run this Country. Be very careful of turncoat Republicans, Tea Party and Democrats that change their party to Independent to gain office; they are still themselves and their beliefs have not changed
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 19:31:54 +0000

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