We must never forget... We must never forget that our - TopicsExpress


We must never forget... We must never forget that our government orchestrated a controlled demolition experiment causing vertical implosions in order to bring down both trade centers. We must never forget that Building Number 7, owned by Larry Silverstein, collapsed later in the afternoon although it was never hit by a plane. We must never forget that it was chemically and physically impossible for jet fuel to have burned hot enough to melt the steel of the towers, because videos depicted that upon impact the smoke turned black indicating that the fire was cooling rather than increasing in temperature. We must never forget that Salem Bin Laden, Osamas older brother, was an investor in Arbusto Energy, the Texas oil company started by George W. Bush. We must never forget that Osama Bin Laden previously worked for the CIA. We must never forget that the Carlyle Group met at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in NYC one day before 9/11. In attendance at this meeting were former president George H. W. Bush and investor Shafiq Bin Laden, the brother of Osama. We must never forget that top Pentagon officials canceled travel plans prior to September 11, 2001 due to security concerns. We must never forget that George W. Bush stated that he was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw the airplane hit the tower. The TV was obviously on. ***Wait a minute...*** (George Bush was told about the second plane hitting the tower WHILE he was in the classroom. Nobody seen the first plane hit the towers on TV, because the video didnt surface until the next day.) We must never forget that eye witnesses described debris falling from the sky at the time the 4th plane crashed in a Pennsylvania field, indicating that it was shot down by American fighter jets. We must never forget that although the U.S. Government claimed to have identified 19 Muslim suspects involved in the highjacking, the very next day, fake passports surfaced yet no DNA evidence from any of the bodies were ever found. We must never forget that although Muhammad Attas body was cremated in the explosion, his passport was found at the site in perfect condition by investigators all within 48 hours. We must never forget that the anthrax which killed 5 people in the infamous letters 3 weeks after the attacks originated from a U.S. Army lab. We must never forget that the Patriot Act was created months before 9/11 even occurred, designed to strip Americans of their constitutional rights rather than to protect them against terrorists. We must never forget that George Bushs brother, Marvin Bush, was director of an electronic security company called SecuriCom for the twin towers as well as for the 9/11 airlines and airport. He also was the director of the twin towers insurance policy through Houston Casualty Insurance but terminated the policy just prior to the 9/11 bombings. Perfect timing We must never forget that the reasons for invading Iraq and Afghanistan are primarily to profit from oil and opium as well as to establish a Rockerfeller and Rothschilds central banking system. We must never forget that Operation Swiftsword and Operation Brightstar were both planned strategic military operations initiated prior to the 9/11 attacks in order to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. We must never forget that when we fold a $20 bill into the shape of a pentagram, a picture of the World Trade Center can be seen in flames. ($20 bills made PRIOR to September 11, 2001.) We must never forget how easily manipulated we are when our minds are controlled by someone other than ourself.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:28:30 +0000

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