We must take very seriously the barbaric actions and atrocities - TopicsExpress


We must take very seriously the barbaric actions and atrocities committed by radical Islamic factions in Iraq, Syria, and other “jihadist locations around the world – especially when the jihadists stated goal is to destroy OUR nation and culture. Now, new threats and actions reveal that we are most assuredly in the ISIS crosshairs and they are infiltrating our porous borders. We cannot turn a blind eye to the growing threat of this extremist faction of Islam and their actions in America! I assure you, we are not crying, “wolf! See my important update below – Mat. Systematic execution of those who oppose radical Islam is now taking place in more nations than is being reported by the secular media. Yet, while the world watches in horror as ISIS terrorizes Christians and other groups in Iraq and Syria, there is a “civilization jihad also taking place within our borders by Muslim extremists and their agents. Warnings over the past several days reportedly issued by ISIS include threats to slaughter the families of U.S. military members. The Army Threat Integration Center issued this bulletin yesterday … Soldiers, Government Civilians and Family Members are reminded to be vigilant of their surroundings and report suspicious activities to their respective military or local law enforcement. This warning came on the heels of another ISIS threat to sneak the Ebola virus through our porous borders to create an epidemic here. Many of our lawmakers and members of the mainstream media are looking past the escalating threats of radical Islamists in the name of “political correctness. + + Torture and death to adversaries are advocated in the Quran. Just weeks ago, we learned of the ISIS ultimatum to Christians to “convert, pay tax, leave or die. Christians were then being robbed of their belongings by ISIS terrorists as they tried to leave. Horrifying images and unimaginable reports of beheadings and other atrocities being committed by these Muslim barbarians soon followed. In the minds of these misguided savages, they are following one of the teachings in the Quran to justify their deadly actions. Quran, Sura 5:33 declares… This is the recompense of those who fight against God [Allah] and His Messenger, and hasten about the earth, to do corruption there: they shall be slaughtered, or crucified, or their hands and feet shall alternately be struck off; or they shall be banished from the land… Clare Lopez , a Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy, has been warning Middle Eastern Christians to flee the coming jihad, citing a wave of oppression and death not unlike what the Nazis did to the Jews. She was right. + + The danger is not restricted to the Middle East. Ms. Lopez is also the author of the acclaimed paper, Rise of the Iran Lobby, in which she warns of the growing influence of people and organizations sympathetic to radical Islam in the Obama Administration… “As these organizations expand, multiply and, in the process, intensify their efforts to promote a shared and ominous agenda, it is imperative to recognize the role being played by what amount to their interlocking (or at least overlapping) boards of directors, donations from the same foundations and growing access to some key members of Congress and top levels of US policymaking circles. Of special concern is the growing penetration of the Obama administration by a number of individuals with such associations. + + Liberty Counsel is sounding a warning that must be heeded! We are now actively engaged in contacting key Members of Congress and the national security leadership, calling on them to take their blinders off and expose any subversive activities by individuals or entities operating in positions of influence over the foreign and domestic policies of our nation. We are also calling on them to secure our borders to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, some of whom are terrorists with a mission to destroy the United States! This is a matter of national security, among the foremost responsibilities given to our government by our framers in the Constitution. Liberty Counsel is calling on our friends for at least 50,000 signatures on our open letter, which will be delivered to Members of Congress and other leaders as soon as that first 50,000 signer mark is achieved. Will you help us quickly reach this first milestone? Please click here to read and sign our open letter: libertyaction.org/201199/petition.asp
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 01:41:23 +0000

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