We must teach onanither to monitoring. Our own needs and - TopicsExpress


We must teach onanither to monitoring. Our own needs and communicate with truated protectors who monitor needs You night not know You have. That Is what family love Is all about and the only need dor a True hierachy based on levels of fate acceptance which Is knowing thqt what we are provided with Whole supplicating out prayers Can besided upon trust in Private if sensé and third dimention abilitus sich as sensing émotion or danger in the Voice or fait, That Is why we must live perfect lives, when a man comes home from a retreat with nature He knows exactly what Is going on with his family based on encpmpassed polarity of unleashed manna diacocered through putting of negativity such as anoyance dominance threat, anything That triggered the fight or flight tesponse like ypu are an animal for time spent alone with simple nature as the animale Our sacrifitial Tools He are told to look after, god IA life and There IA life in animale and god saya to love love So nurish these beasts of primal instinct to maintain more grpwth provodinh love.they Say god Is found in mutual experience involving enthusiasm of soft nature and an acceptance That in perfect hatmony everything Works in love effortlessly. It becones confortable a litten on the Head because It us assurance That There lover therefore protecteur and provider us temindingbthem they Will prince. God through a simple yet adventurous cross iced best eith the freedom of an atmosphère That regulaters Our température très That proviide ebidnce of Our parent the invisible créature who looks like each of us and talks through us on exact replica when we are at trust with what would Be called Our selves but were evolvong put of selfs aka character and memory, your memory us yout own the times sinning, withouting, not being in as the kids would call It plotting schizophrénie demises, creating relationships based omln diacomfort ungoodlyness and disected smiles weve been waiting to get Revenge with, god sees ut all and Works his punisent throughtinderstandment of sins donegrievance for things You helped to destroy confusion as to how to act. The anser us scrooge aftr the three ghosts. Youre new. Admit You know nothing but how to Be MAD as a Defence. MAD par ople dont fonction properly and theyre Nice qhile theyre doin It. Be hapy and mean. Keep It simple. Mean us good. Puts You in terror of commiting sin and puts You in aw of things being holy That Is the wok of the lord He IA working You into infinité wisdpm. The doora of perception are Be cleansed. Beentally well. If ky iant working teach ithers dont get MAD weakness us nit believable because the war of the world has already gone pn in the dimention we are safe aporitually from when He hold onto protection. Anger does not protect in a Fast situation unless You harness the terror which Is pvoking they Anger and see the full awe inspiring energy That You have linetically stores from alreasy forgivibg them the hardahip threy were going to cause whatever You are protecting, they thought It therefore It happened lae jussy cant get involvrd cause in canada dreams ate not reality for There id a imit to the control of the cream world because they are pur subconsioua superstitions That manifeste themselfs when we are im the dark and wandering mot knowing anput things srlearching like a quest thy on if You believe It You Will recieve It, settling us admityong defeat thats why we must always prospect on Whole emjoying the precence Whole having love for the future for any good worked knows good Is the future Be It Learning from obercming hardahip. Unlocking hidden manna from Target pravtice made confident. Pogrming daton computers to allie them to operate proficintly for laundered money lbtaining resquires abstainance from anything to do with stimulation. These digital pathways of code are ao précise You have to Be lîle i Guy That lost all his money on rpuleyte ypu gotta know youre a failure at life and all Thatakeabyou happy us seeinh g what certain numbera do and if we Can train them to nehave like page layouta with links and textsi dono theres a reason theres,Just mac and Microsoft for personal use iys all about data and i dono what theyre puttin This data om and i dont,like It om do Fo another ley
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 08:56:05 +0000

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